Chapter 2- the game has begun

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"Upupupupupupupupupu" someone or something laughed. Then up came some small half black half white bear "I'm your principal, Monokuma! I'm half hope, and half disbear- dis-bear, did you get it? UPUPUPUPU" Monokuma laughed.
"Sir Monokuma, why are we here?" Canami asked.
"Well, I gathered all you talented teens here for one reason, something so horrible you wish you never came" Monokuma announced
"That would be?" Prince asked.
"Oh my god you guys haven't watched danganronpa have you." Monokuma mumbled, we all stood there in silence waiting for an answer "MURDER! You're here to kill each other! Then have a class trial to find out what one of you did it then I get to execute the black end." Monokuma put his hands on his hips.

"AAAAAAAH!" Someone screams, followed by a crashing noice, we all looked to see a small purple haired boy on the floor.
"Mitsumikan, are you ok? Let me help you!" The red haired boy said as he helped Mitsumikan.
"Thanks Adam... I'm sorry... please forgive me!" Mitsumikan cried.
"Ok let's act like that didn't happen. And I'll tel you the rules, from the top! And how this 'game' works. So, once a body is discovered by 3 other classmates, you children will have to investigate then be sent to the trial room. Using the clues you have gathered, you will have to pin the guilt on the murderer, aka, your fellow classmate. Get it correct: the guilty pope gets executed, get it wrong: they leave and the rest of you get axed! Maybe literally." Monokuma announced.

I just hope he wasn't serious 'bout the whole 'murder' thing, because I just met all those people and I just want to make friends. And have what you'd call a 'normal' high school life.

"Heyo' bummer eh? I mean- PUT YOUR BUTT IN THE AIR LIKE YA' JUST DON'T CARE! Oh, right, soz. I'm Kumiko Maemi! And I like butter~" she yelled. Woah. What a lively girl. How can she yell so much without her throat not hurting? (I know if it were me I would be bead within the first two words) Is it just me, or does her hair remind me of someone...? Ten... no... Ko? Nah. Maybe I was just imagining something as usual.

"Hey I'm Samiki, it's nice to meet you." I smiled, I don't see how someone could be so happy in a place where you're supposed to kill one another possibly get killed by one of your friends... at least I think we're all friends.

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