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Soon enough we all made it, we sat in our seats in front of us was a red button with thorns on, about the size of a football. "Now students, on the count of 3 you will press the button" Monokuma announced.




We all pressed the button.




I felt a calm breeze brushing past my face... am I outside? Did we get out of the school? Well there's only one way to find out...

I open my eyes and stood up to notice everyone stood around outside...

Our clothes were completely different.
I was now in a purple dress that went just above my knee, vines around my legs and right arm. My hair was now in a long curly ponytail. There were pink flowers spread out among my body along with a row at the top of my dress.

I look at Canami, whom was now in a mint-green and white dress. A tight green skirt and the top was white, with a frilly cuff. She also had a pink necklace to match with the pink and green streaks in her hair.

Jax was wearing a simple button-up white shirt and a cute red bow tie.

Prince wore a sailor suit.

Hope was wearing a pink dress with a blue belt and bow. She had short white sleeves and a cute flower crown.

Emilia wore a cute white and purple dress with a pink rose in her hair

Adam wore a green shirt with a white jacket that had red trimmings

Naosemaru was wearing a simple turquoise shirt.

Sakiko wore a blue tight dress with a white collar.

I could go on and on describing their outfits, but that isn't what's important right now.

"What on Earth happened to our clothes?" I asked.

"More importantly, where are we?" Canami asked. We were surrounded by nature, the button took us somewhere, but... why am I the only one covered in flowers?

Maybe... it's just for decoration or something? At least we looked super cute! I wish we could wear this forever, but since it's a motive or whatever we will turn back... that's if we ever do... I mean I'd like to stay here! But I don't think we will...

Yeah... this is just... I don't know! Why on Earth did Monokuma send us here? It's not fair! Not only that but he's making us kill one another! We're friends, well I don't think anyone will kill... my thoughts were interrupted when I heard...

"WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED TO US?! NO! MY HOOD! I DON'T LIKE MY HAIR!" Jax yelled, holding down a little tuft of hair on the top of his head.

"EEEEK! Samiki! Canami! You both look so cute!" Hope squealed

"Well... this is... weird." Prince mumbled

"Jax you're overreacting! You look fine." Canami sighs, trying to calm him down.


"Jax! You look fine!" I assured him

"Jax-kun! You look great! So stop complaining!" Hope smiled. Jax finally calmed down.

"Guys, listen. I found a note" Naosemaru said. "Dear students, you are here for your motive. If you want to escape this game alive then you must all find an envelope with your own name and take it to the end. But you have a challenge, you must overcome. You have to get past the 7 sins (or 8 if you like); gluttony, lust, greed, pride, wrath, sloth and despair. Good luck, might the strongest make it out alive." Naosemaru folded the note.

"Guys, what if we do one of the sins?!" Emilia worries

"We'll have to find out the hard way." Sakiko said

"For now lets just try not to do one of the sins. Stay on the safe side." Adam said

But... what if we died! Or... something else... I'm not sure, we just carried on with our journey. On the way we saw a bunch of statues of people, people that I've never seen before... they look so real it's creepy! But just then we heard beautiful singing...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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