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After some time we all gathered to discuss. At least, I thought it was all of us.
"Earlier I went to check out the massive grey door with Akihiko and Crystal, there was a little code entrance there, but also a gun that would fire at you if you got it wrong" Coal announced.

"Yeah speaking of which, we are missing some people" Akihiko said while adjusting his kimono.

"Hey Sakiko, you were investigating with Hope, right? So where is she?" Prince asked.

"She said she felt ill, so she went to the medical room with Mitsumikan." Sakiko answered, brushing her purple hair out of her blood red eyes.

"Hey Samiki, we should go check on them" Canami said holding my arm trying to pull me away.

"Sure" I mumbled, so me and Canami went to check on Hope and Mitsumikan.

"S-Samiki? Did you bring Sakiko with you?" Hope coughed.

"Sorry Hope, she didn't know you wanted to see her. I'll go get her. You stay here with Samiki until I get back" Canami went to find Sakiko. I walked over and sat with Hope completely ignoring the bottle behind her so she felt better.

"Hey Hope, friend to friend. Why do you look so ill? And where is Mitsumikan?" I asked

"He told me to take a medicine... he had to smash the glass to get it out because it was jammed shut -cough- I had an allergic reaction... he also got glass stuck in his hand, so he went to get some of his stuff from his room that will help -sniffle- -cough- he hasn't been back in a while..." Hope explained, I feel bad for her... she wanted help but feels even more pain than she did before for hours. I just wonder what happened to Mitsumikan? Is he ok? Why did he leave her for so long? I guess I'll find out when we see him again... that's if... he's alive.

That's when I hear footsteps "GUYS I NEED YOU TO FOLLOW ME!" Canami yelled. I help Hope up and we go with Canami that's when we were facing a beat-down door.

"S-Samiki can you open it? I'm too scared..." Hope worried. So I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly opened it... that's when I saw...

"MITSUMIKAN! What happened?" I asked, I saw him tied up. I untied him (because well, I'm not gonna leave him there).

"I-I was knocked out... when I woke up I was here, they said they'd be back for me, THEY WERE GONNA KILL ME!" Mitsumikan yelled.

"This is messed up! Why would someone do that, it's disgusting." Sakiko ranted.

Disgusting or not I'm glad we found him. "Ah, I almost forgot, Hope you needed this" Mitsumikan said while giving her medicine. As soon as it touched her hands she had a firm grip and chugged the medicine. You could tell it worked, since her face brightened up as good as new. That's when the TV's on the wall turned on with Monokuma's face.

"Upupupupupupu, hello... kids teens, whatever you are. I just want you all to meet up at the computer room PRONTO!" Monokuma announced, the TV's turn off. Everyone left... well almost everyone, it was just me and Sakiko.

"Hey Samiki." Sakiko said, turning to face me "if you hurt Hope in ANY way. I WILL make you pay. So be careful." She hissed and walked away.

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