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Yaz was lying on her bed scrolling through Instagram, she laughed at peoples holiday pictures as they imagined the most exotic place in the universe to be a tropical island or snowy mountain. If you had been on adventures with the Doctor like Yaz had, visiting galaxies and stars and whole new civilisations, it really put life on Earth in perspective.

She looked around the room she was in and thought about how lucky she was to have met the Doctor, albeit not in the most convenient of circumstances. How lucky she was to be aboard the TARDIS travelling with the most amazing people to the most amazing places. 

She thought about her past couple of days, they had been busy and she was exhausted, but in a good way. They had been sight seeing in the distant galaxy of Zeridaka visiting the Lost City and the Temple of Stars, Graham and Ryan bonding closer than ever after Ryan fell off an alien mule and Graham looked after him so the Doctor and Yaz could carry on exploring.

She put down her phone and rolled onto her back staring at the dimly lit ceiling. All these perfect memories made her so happy, she sighed contently to herself and hugged a pillow to her chest.

Just as she was about to sit up and get ready for the day ahead, she was met with a flicker of the lights. It was almost unnoticeable at first however they started to hum and wheeze and suddenly blew out all together. Yaz had been used to this as it happened quite often recently, water cutting out whilst she was in the shower, heating cutting out in the middle of the night, often the lights stopping working for minutes at a time. Though this time it was different, they weren't coming back.

She rolled her eyes and reached for her phone lighting up the display. The light was small but made a huge difference in a pitch black room, she stared around her as suddenly everything felt a lot lighter, she screamed and squirmed in surprise as she realised the whole room around her had taken flight, Yaz along with it. There was no Gravity, she panicked and thought, what will happen next, will I run out of oxygen or get locked in here until I starve to death. She awkwardly struggled to reach the door, pushing off the ceiling for speed. 

She reached the control panel and hit the door open button. Just before the door hissed open the lights flickered back to life and she hit the floor with a soft bump. "What the hell?" She whispered to herself grabbing her phone and racing out the room to find the Doctor.

Hiya, thanks for reading the first part of this story, let me know what you think and make sure to check out the rest!
-Sophie <3

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