Midnight Thoughts

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"Why do you write?"
"Because it's the only way to express my feelings..... And it's the only thing I can do..."


"I can't sleep... My thoughts are killing me!...."
I mentally screamed


"Why don't you go find something useful to do!" My dad yelled, "Do you think it's enough?! No it's not!"
"Go down and wash the dishes!" My mom added.

I hummed a song as I walk down the stairs. 'well, the only thing I can really do is write'


"She maybe act all strong and independent, like she doesn't need anyone. But she needs constantly calmed by someone. There are just a lot of things running through her mind. Her thoughts are killing her."


You said if I fail it's my own fault right?
You know what? Let me just live my own life
If I fail it's not your fault, but if I success, it's also not because of you
So just stop telling me what to do


So I just have this midnight thoughts that's running through my mind and prevent me from sleeping.

Mostly about my fear, well I can't really say it's a "fear"
But let's just say, I don't like responsibility


This place is just to small for a free spirited person like me


"So what if....."
"It's still midnight, heck, go back to sleep!"
"I can't..."
"Just cut out your self doubt and stuff! You're not going anywhere if you keep being like this".


"Hey, so what's wrong?"
"Nothing, just.... Thinking..."
"Don't lie to me please..."
"I'm fine. Just... Give me some time alone..."
"But you already had lots of time alone."
*Sighed* *weak smile*
"Just leave me alone please".


"So, it's getting better?"
"No. I lied. It's getting worse".


Just thoughts numpang lewat:v maapkeun kalo gaje
And sorry if there's any grammatical errors, English isn't my main language. And maybe I'll update more if I can't sleep tonight
Ja nee~

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