Todoroki Shōto x Reader

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After training

Shōto's POV

  I've just finished my training with (Y/N). 'Damn it! It's because of my dad and his ambition'. I thought to myself. I was just about to leave when she called me, "Shōto, can you come here for a sec?". I walk towards her and sit across her. She looked unsure for a while but then she reached up to me and touched my head.

At the same time, waves of memories wash over me. 'I... I remember... Everything...'

Shōto's vision.

I've just finished my battle with Midoriya. 'Damn! I almost lost', I thought to myself, disappointed. 'I should have done better. I should defeat him!'.

After that, I met this girl... On the outside, she looked completely normal. But,... We have this one thing in common... She showed me her quirk, it's somehow very similar with mine, 'Half Cold - Half Hot". Except, hers is much more stronger. She offered me to help me training. And so on, I accepted the offer and we secretly trained together.

And at last, I managed to upperhand Midoriya. We've getting quite close together because of the training. And then there's this one day... When I unintentionally kissed her. Maybe I've developed feelings on her. But, she said that she can't accept my feelings. She said that she'll only hurt me more... And here comes a day... Where there's an accident, where she had to use her true powers. After that... She explained everything.... And that she lied to me...

I was getting really mad at her. And after that... I never she her again....

End of flashback

Until now...
That girl was sitting right in front of me...

"I just thought that you deserve the truth" she said...

To be continued...

Ini ceritanya potongan scene juga sih

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