Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was crying really hard. I don't want to, but tears keep streaming down my face. Thank God it's raining today, so I can hide my tears as I ran into my home.

Katsuki's POV

'Is that (Y/N)? Is she... Why is she crying? So she uses the rain to cover her tears'.

I followed her, as she runs towards her apartment, but she stopped behind a tree to hide there and because the rain is too hard.


(Y/N)'s POV

We have a lesson in the pool. So everyone were swimming except for me. I'm just not in the mood for swimming. Well, after some times, the others, mostly the girls are compelling me to swim.

At first I lied to them that I'm on my period so I can't swim, but they notice that I lied. I don't know how but they can convince Aizawa Sensei to erase my quirk and then they push me to the pool

'Wait! I can't swim!' I start to panicked and sudden my traumas hit me. All of my nightmares and memories and those pains, the feeling that I'm drowning with no one noticed. Everything just came back to me.

And the last thing I know is darkness...

I woke up to the realization that everyone were watching me and they gasped, so I quickly sit up and realize that they've take off my clothes to change them with the dry one, but there they are...

Plenty of bruises and scars with different shape and sizes all over my back, stomach, and on to my thighs. I quickly used my quirk to cover my scars but one of my friends held my hand, "Don't! Please tell us, what happened?"
"You don't have abusive parents right? So what happened?" They asked.

"I... I'm... Suicidal..." I answered slowly. I explained to them how I'm depressed and have complication of mental problems and no one knows. It's before I had this quirk...

  The quirk called "inequity". A gift I received after my suffering.

Flashback end

I cried behind the tree. I remember all of those dark days but the thing that break me apart is the fact that I'm not ok. I'm just pretending that I'm better but I'm not...

Then suddenly I feel someone grabbed my hand, I look up and it's Katsuki. I tried to erased my tears but he stopped me.

He sighed and take of his jacket and put it over my shoulder.
"You'll catch a cold if you stand in the rain for too long". His jacket isn't dry, but at least it's not soaking wet like mine.
"You know, we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong", he said again and then continues "well, I understand if you don't want to tell us, but just believe that there's still someone who cares for you..." I cut him and unconsciously yelled.

"It's not your problem! Why Katsuki?! Why do you care about me?!!", I backed off. He looks shocked about it, but then he came closer to me, he trapped me in his arms and lifted my chin to kissed my lips. I'm so surprised, too surprised to respond or kissed back.

"Why? Because I love you... I love you (Y/N)..." He whispered, and then he walks away.


Katsuki Bakugou x Depressed Suicidal Reader

Nyeeh, lame, cringe, and not so good. You know I'm kinda lazy to write the pool part, so it's a little weird. And my grammar sucks 😒

Sorry if it's not good

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