Ghostface x Reader x Michael | Pt. 1

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Ghostface/Billy Loomis x Clingy!Reader x Bestfriend!Michael Myers
This is a 'choose who you want to be with in the end' so the next two chapters for this one will be endings for Michael/Billy.
Reader just wants some hugs from her nice psycho boyfriend (Billy) but gets shut down, so she cries to Michael ❤️

Also ❗️WARNING❗️
This chapter contains themes of horror with our pal Penny the dancing c*nt


"Billy!!" You yelled out running towards him before throwing yourself at him, he managed to catch you. He held onto your waist as you wrapped your legs around his, nuzzling into his neck. You lifted your head to meet his eyes.

"Well hello there sailor." You put on a deep voice as you tried to joke- keyword tried. Billy raised an brow before letting go of your waist with no warning, causing you to almost fall off him before you quickly wrapped your arms around him as well, forcing his head into your chest as you clung to him like a life support.

"(Name) although the view is not bad, get off me." He said blankly, slightly muffled by your chest. You got off him, albeit begrudgingly, and smiled up at him as you stood in front of him. He simply stared at you unamused before letting out a sigh of annoyance at your innocent smile and clingy behaviour. You weren't always like this, it had started about two weeks ago and he had no clue why.

Could you be on your period? No it's been two weeks yours don't last that long (thank God). Did someone call you out on something? Cause whenever people do that you try to act different. Did you cheat on him and you feel bad?? Or... Oh God... Are you pregnant??? Please God no I'm too young to be a dad.

You stared at him quizzically as he zoned off in his own world before waving your hand infront of his face and clicking your fingers.

"Billy? Hello Billiam?? Billar the pillar? Bill!" You tried using various stupid nicknames before just deciding to yell his name. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in before facing you. You smiled then quickly clung to him, hugging the hell out of him. He was visibly uncomfortable as you were never this c l i n g y.

"Right, uhhh. (Name) I gotta call you out on something..." You froze, oh God you hated being called out for the shit you do. "You've been really clingy for the past two weeks and it's honestly bothering me. I just need a break from you for a day or two atleast." Oh my God you were gonna cry someone give you some shades so he doesn't notice holy shi-

You swore you could hear a small crack from your chest as he awkwardly pushed you away from him, you had a mix of a heartbroken and dumbfounded look on your face. You used all your strength not to cry or voice crack infront of him.

"Oh, ok." And with that you quickly left his apartment, not even bothering to grab your bag. You just had your keys and that's all you needed right now. To be honest you knew you were being clingy, you noticed your change as well but it wasn't as random as Billy may have thought it was. Recently you had a big falling out with your sister, you two were like peas in a pod but this fight was the biggest ones you'd ever had with her. Hurtful words were exchanged and promises to never interact again.

This had caused you to become clingy to your next lifeline, your boyfriend. You did feel kinda bad with how you'd been smothering him lately but right now you just needed someone to lean on and that someone would be your best friend Michael.

After you started dating Billy you got to meet a few other slashers that could tolerate him, Michael being among those few. It appeared as though Michael had immediately warmed up to you, even though you had no clue why, and so you two talked (mostly you) and eventually got closer until you could safely confirm that you were indeed best buds.

(Slashers x Reader x DeadByDaylight) Oneshots+ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now