Creek (Craig x Tweek)

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Back to homosexual ships :)

Craig and Tweek. Do I really have to explain anything? 

By far, out if the entire series, this is the most perfect pairing.

Now, I'm not saying this because it's my favourite or anything (Becayse my otp is Stenny), but I'm saying thus because the two are literally made for eachother (PLUS, its canon too!).

Tweek has really bad anxiety, and due to it he often has panic attacks. On the other hand, Craig is a pretty chill and cool dude.

Together, their relationship is perfectly balanced. Craig supports and comforts Tweek with his anxiety, and Tweek gives Craig something (someone) to care about and to express his emotions to.

On top of that, before their relationship, the two were rivals. They fought eachother numerous times. Similar to Kyle and Cartman, comparing their relationship from the beginning to now, they have bonded ALOT.

Overall, I rate this ship a 11/10 :))

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