The strange mansion

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I woke up rubbing my eyes, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head like I've been hit with something. I looked around "okay this is so not my room" I said as I quickly got up walking toward the open door that was a few feet from the bed. I walked down a hall that seemed to go on for miles at least

I stopped at a large dining hall full of 11 other people who seemed just as confused as I was. I looked at them I've seen them somewhere... I just couldn't remember... Weird...

I sat in the only empty seat left which was between a girl with black hair and a black jacket and a boy with a red and black checkered shirt. I wasn't sure what to say it was pretty quiet everyone was looking at eachother like there was a murder or something. Finally a puff of smoke came out of nowhere and a man weird a red and black suit who you could obviously tell was bad news appeared at one end of the table "welcome!" He said with a crazy smile on his face.

Some of us got a little frightened some just narrowed there eyes at him. And me. I was ready to run up to him and break his neck. And without thinking I sorta did.. But didn't go as I planned though.

I ran to him but all he did was put his hand foreword and I got knocked back "god dammit..." I got up and walked back to my seat.

He just grinned and shrugged "as I was saying..." He continued "welcome to my mansion, don't be worried some of you might make it out alive" he chuckled.

"Just think of this as a game, your aloud to murder anyone but me, once someone finds the dead body you'll have some time to investigate before I call you back into this room."

"We then discuss the evidence you have found and who you think is the murder. If your wrong.. Well you'll all get exucuted but the murderer, if your right, then you all move on but the murderer."

He smiled "well you may go now happy killing!" He vanished and just left us there all staring at one another.

Some left encluding me but I'm sure the ones who stayed are just still shocked? Right?

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