second to last part cuz this is making me depressed

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'woah soap whats happening why is everything shaking? XD' said seeds

'...' replied soap

'WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XD' seeds screamed as the sky exploeded and they teleported to minecraft

'lmao look minecraft XD lets build an awesome house' said seeds. They built a castle and got food before night. They were going to eat when something knocked on the door. 'KNOCK'

they got spooked so soapy got a diamond sword and got ready to fight while seeds went to the corner of the room crying cuz shes a bitch.

Soapy opened the door when HEROBRINE SHOWED UP

'HAHAHA GET READY TO DIE' Herobrine hit soapy and she lost health, seeds got up and went super furry or some shit then she attak herobrine and herobine cry. THEN THE SKY EXPLODED BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM THEY TELEPORTED TO ANOTHER DIMENSION. IT WAS A TIK TOK ONE! 

seeds was happy cuz she likes tik tok but she only liked her own kind ( furry section ).

'ISNT THIS GR8 SOAPY? XD' but soapy wasn't interested in furries. She liked the other part of tik tok. She really liked the Maybe ill be tracer tik toks cuz its awesome. Seeds however didnt like it.

'hum soap the furries r this way' said seeds 

'no u' replied soapy. Seeds got super offended

'fine no more grape soda 4 u!' seeds was very upset.

'idc cuz i like maybe ill be tracer more. im with my people now.' replied soap

'FINE ! ' seeds ran away 

Furry adventures of seeds and soapWhere stories live. Discover now