1st May, 2006

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Dear Diary,

Today is a very special day, it's Derek's birthday.

He would have turned seventeen today, If he were alive.

I turned to my old diary, the one I wrote in 2002. 

1st May, 2002.

Dear Diary,

Derek turned thirteen today. 

We celebrated his birthday in one of the finest hotels in town.

All of his friends were invited. Claire came too, of course.

I made a speech about him, wishing him a long life and success in his life.

He was very happy, My parents were happy to see him happy. 

He's our little boy, our sunshine, our everything.

After all, our lives are perfect.



I don't know why, but I cried again, just like the last time. 

It was hard to believe. He's not here.

3 years are gone and here I am, still grieving over his death.

I don't know why God selects the happiest of all the people to loose someone they love immensely.

Our lives were perfect and would have been the same now as well, if that accident hadn't occured.

Well, it's the past now.

I can't redo it, nor can anyone else, can they?

After all, I'm different.



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