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Hannah's POV:

She died.

First Derek left us and now she did.

I won't take her name. She isn't worth it.

She was a disgrace.

Wasn't that all enough? Why did she have to add one more thing to the list?

She was troubled and all, but that doesn't mean she had to end up her life.

She was a coward. I wasn't sure at first, but now I am.

She do not deserve to be called my sister.

I am ashamed of her.

Lucy's Mom's POV:

My daughter decided it was best to leave us.

I know we were being harsh on her, we never were a family.

After Derek, I was broken. He was my life. 

And the mere fact that she was the one who took away his life, even if not intentionally is enough for me to hate her.

She's my daughter, I could not possibly hate her. 

But she made me do it. She got involved with drugs too.

We all were devastated at Derek's death. That doesn't mean she had to do that.

She was a coward. I wasn't sure at first, but now I am.

She do not deserve to be called my daughter.

I am ashamed of her.

Lucy's Dad's POV:

I went to her room and retrieved her diary.

I realize my mistake now.

I won't say she committed suicide. She was murdered.

Murdered by her family, murdered by the society, murdered by loneliness.

I wish I could have saved her. We could get our normal happy family back.

Derek and she, both left us and now we are broken, permanently.

The damage is permanent.

I know, Hannah and my wife are heartless people. They are not ashamed of themselves even now.

But I am.

I love you Lucy and I will forever.



This isn't fair, but I had to do this.

Thankyou guys, I love you all.

Please comment and tell me what you think.

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