Chapter 17

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~Alright! Back to the story!~

Was I just proposed to by my 'brother'?!

It took me a while to fathome what had just taken place right before me, and I directed all the anger I felt towards my parents. "Do I really have no say in my MARRIAGE for god sake?!"

"You watch your tongue young lady!" My mom screamed, "You do not get to make the decisions here! WE, your parents, do!"
She stood up and walked over to where I was, grabbed the ring from the box that Yuri was holding and shoved it onto my finger. "Take this ring off and you'll get some barbed wire down your throat until I'm satisfied..."

Knowing my mom, I knew she would've done it, so instead of saying all the little things I would've loved to tell her, I left the ring where it was and excused myself from the table to my room. I couldn't go there on my own of course. There were 2 guards on my tail to make sure I didn't run.

As I lowered myself into my bed sheets, pictures of my friends began to appear and suddenly felt a rush of hurt. I missed them so much.... especially a specific white haired guy. And before I knew it, tears suddenly streamed continuously down my cheeks.

I couldn't stay here... I had to leave. I wouldn't be able to survive in this house any longer.

I walked over to my room's balcony and just looked over since the guards were present. It was a long way down. My parents made my room extremely high just because I might've ran away.

I walked back over to my bed to think up some more ways to leave, until a knock at the door erased my focus.

"Who is it?.." I called.

The door opened to reveal Yuri leaning with his shoulder against the door post and his hands in his pockets... looking as smug as usual.

"My dear beautiful wife-"

"Don't call me that." I cut in.

He only smiled in response, which seemed to tick me off more. He ticked me off by just looking at his face...

"I call you whatever I want to my love."

I turned my head away to avoid his annoying gaze, only to have him sit next to me and forcefully turn my head to him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you (y/n)."

I focused my gaze into his eyes and made sure I showed him how I felt through my facial experssion, but he didn't budge.

He continued,

"You know, we didn't call you here suddenly to only tell you that you were getting married to me," I rolled my eyes mentally, "You came here to do what you were trained for."

"What are you-?" Then it hit me...

Oh god.... Killua's family....

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