Chapter Three

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"Lizzy," I said as I stood in the doorway of our house, staring at a trail of red rose petals.

"Elizabeth this isn't funny." I walked into the house, careful not to step on the petals.

"Elizabeth if this is a joke then stop!" I was starting to panic, my heart was racing, palms were sweating, my stomach was in knots.

This wasn't like Lizzy to do something like this, she wasn't the type to pull pranks.

I made my way further down the trail until it came to an abrupt stop, at the end of the trail laid a puddle of blood.

"No!" I screamed as everything around me faded out.

"No!" I screamed out as I shot up in bed, drenched in sweat from head to toe.

"Lizzy please. No!" I cried out as a pair of arms could be felt around me.

"It's just a dream Nathan," my Father's soothing voice said as his arms tightened around me.

I could feel myself being pulled against his chest as he rubbed comforting circles on my back.

I sat there, feeling my body slowly relax.

My body felt so heavy.

"Where am I?"

Looking around the room, I wasn't able to recognize any of my surroundings.

"You're in the hospital," he said.

I slowly pulled away from my father's comforting arms, staring up at him, confused.

"Why am I in the hospital?"

"Oh good you're awake," a feminine voice said, I turned my head towards where the voice came from.

Only just a few feet away from me stood a woman dressed in a white lab coat, holding in her hands a clipboard.

She had golden hair that was neatly tucked into a bun, she looked to be around my age, wore way to much makeup.

To much perfume as well I thought as she walked closer to me.

"Hello Nathaniel, my name is Dr. Thomas, your regular doctor is away on personal business right now, so I've been taking over his patients till his return." reaching into the pocket of her lab coat, she pulled out a pair of glasses, slipping them on as she reviewed my file.

"So I see you were brought here by ambulance last night, it says here the the reason was for a possible suicide attempt, as well as alcohol poisoning," she said glancing up at me.

"Is this true?"

I just sat there staring at her, I was trying to remember last night's event's but I couldn't.

Everything was blurry, I could remember drinking a few glasses of Scotch but that's about it.

"I honestly couldn't tell you yes or no, I really can't remember much from last night," I answered honestly.

"Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"Well I can remember drinking a few glasses of Scotch and I did smoke a few cigarettes but I couldn't tell you how much though."

"I see," she said as she took out her pen from her coat, writing down the information I had just given her.

"Your friend who had called 991 said that you were unresponsive when he found you, by time you had arrived at the hospital you were going in and out of consciousness, luckily you were awake long enough for us to pump your stomach," she paused long enough to look at my file once more.

"Your tox screen only showed a high alcohol level so we're confident that you didn't take anything else last night," she said.

"You said my friend called 991?" I asked.

"Yes your friend Jason called, he arrived with you last night actually, he said he found you and there was a empty pill bottle on the floor but he said he wasn't sure if you had taken any due to the fact that there were pills scattered all over the floor," she said.

I turned away from her, hanging my head in disappointment.

After hearing all of that I could faintly remember some of it, I can't believe I let myself hit this low of a bottom.

"Later in the day I'll have Dr. Harold stop by and."

"No," I said interrupting her.

"I already have a therapist I don't need another one."

"Oh." was all she said.

"Then could you give me the name of your therapist?"

"Dr. Philip's."

"We'll give him a call and see if he can come here and see you, until then get some rest." nodding my head ok I could hear her walk away form me.

The sound of the door opening and closing echoed around the room.

"Nathan," my father said in a concerned tone.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I finally broke down.

"I'm so sorry Dad, I'm sorry."

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