Info about Shamir and UA High

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Edited on 04/23/20

Shamir's POV
  Hi I'm Shamir Sairo, 15 years old and I'm the daughter of Hydro Man. I'm 5'3 in height, and I'm considered as a fatass by my classmates in middle school, I've been aspired to be a hero by my dad and All Might, they're my favorite superheroes. My mother is also a superhero but she died when I was 7 years old, her hero name is Frost Queen, that makes my quirk water and ice. I've been thinking my hero name lately and I thought of something, it will be mixed by my dad's hero name and my mom's. So now I'm walking on my way home but I saw a crowd and saw Midoriya-kun, my crush, then I jumped high so I can see then I saw Bakugo-kun being eaten by a villain then I saw my dad fighting the villain. But the villain is somewhat gooey and it kinda looks like slime, so dad's water quirk isn't going to work as I looked at my dad, he looks beaten up and blood coming through his arms, he was laying down on the ground

"HYDRO MAN CAN'T MOVE!!!!"someone said as I looked in terror. 'No I can't loose someone important to me! I just can't!' I thought as the villain picked up a knife that was laying on the ground and threw it on dad's heart.

"OTOU-SAN!!!!!!"I said as I ran towards him but it was too late and the blade stabbed my dad through the heart. Midoriya-kun rushed up to Bakugo-kun and tried to help him, as I stared at the villain with pure anger. I was about to charge but then All Might came and punch the villain, the villain was defeated and I rushed to my dad's side.

"O-o-otou-san.....?"I asked as he looked at me with tears in his eyes

"M-my........b-b-baby girl......"he said weakly as I cried and he patted my head

"P-please don't c-c-cry.......n-n-now listen.....c-ca-carefully...."he said as I cried softly while Midoriya-kun is getting scolded by the heroes.

"Otou-san! Hold your breath! The ambulance will come soon!"I said as he smiled and looked at me in the eye

"B-b-baka.......t-take this k-ke-key a-and open the b-box underneath.......m-m-my-my b-bed........"he said and gave me a key as I cried and gripped the key and gripped his hand tightly.

"T-t-take care m-my beautiful daughter.......m-m-make me p-pr-proud! B-b-be a h-he-hero like m-me and A-A-All Might......I-I-I-I-I love you......"he said as I cried and his hand drift passed my hand and this was the time that I cried loudly that all of the heroes looked at me including other people.

"OTOU-SAN! D-D-DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!"I shouted as everybody looked at me with sympathy look.

"Dear come on"a superhero said as I stood up and hold the key to my heart

"I-I will become a hero like you otou-san! M-m-maybe better than you and oka-san!"I said as the other superhero guided me where the safe place is.

~Time skip one year later, at class 1-A~
I live with Shouta Aizawa which is a hero, Eraser Head, and his my home room teacher! So I sat inside the classroom and I'm already getting nervous, because I'm sat beside to Midoriya Izuku. I also saw Bakugo-kun and he changed I guess, he became more grumpier.......and um......angrier? All of them are getting along well and I feel like I don't belong in the class, just like in middle school. 'Shamir just go and say hi to someone!!!!! I really hate myself for this!' I thought as I hesitated to move and make friends, I was about to stand up but Midoriya-kun looked at me.

"E-e-eto.......S-S-Shamir S-S-Sairo.....i-i-is it?"he stuttered as I blushed and nodded

"Y-yeah....."I said awkwardly as I mentally slapped myself.

"I-I'm M-Mi----"I cut him off

"I-I-I already k-k-know....y-you.....a-and please do call me Sha......"I said as he blushed and smiled. 'Oh gosh that smile that I fell in love with! No stop it Shamir, you went here just to keep the promise to dad!' I thought

"W-w-well.....w-w-would you l-l-like......t-to be friends? I-I-I-I've always wanted......t-t-to become friends with y-you ever since m-mi-middle school "he asked as I looked at him shocked

"S-s-since middle school.....? Y-y-y-you.......know me?"I asked as he chuckled and nodded

"Of course! Your my classmate in middle school, a-a-and plus your Hydro Man's daughter"he said as I smiled, I was about to speak but Aizawa-san came in, and I looked at Midoriya-kun and he nodded as I looked straight at Aizawa-san. He then made us go outside the field and he will be testing us, well he already know that I'm okay but I'm still his student and apart of the class, it's unfair that I do not show my physical skill. It's now on 50 meter run and I was against Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor. We can use our quirks but Aizawa-san knows me well, as much as possible I'm not going to use my quirk, yeah I'm fat but I'm fast at running, like a thunder I guess. We started as Todoroki used his quirk but I just run, then into a split second I was at the finish line while there's dust covering me. The dust cleared and I saw all of them shocked except Aizawa-san, Todoroki then came and he looked at me shocked also.

"Shamir Sairo, 1.2 seconds....."Aizawa-san said as I smiled then a girl with brown short hair and a guy with blue hair and glasses came towards me in full speed as I squeaked and hugged someone beside me.

"S-S-Sha-chan?"Deku-kun! Oh god this is so embarrassing as I looked up at him and I blushed when he was staring down at me.

"I-I-I-I-I'm so s-s-s-sorry D-D-Deku-kun!"I said and quickly let go as he blushed and nodded

"I-i-i-its okay Sha-chan...."he said as I smiled, then Aizawa-san kept bringing a lot of physical work that I hate. This is going to be a long dayyyyyyy!!!!!

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