Exercise, Lost Phone, and Aizawa Teasing Shamir

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Edited on 04/23/20

Midoriya's POV
The class with Aizawa-sensei is tough, then All Might suddenly came in.

"Put on your hero costumes, and we will have a exercise today"All Might said as I looked at Sha-chan and she is kinda nervous it may seem. I finished dressing up and I looked at Uraraka-chan as I blushed, and gave her a smile and told her that she suits it well.

"Ah Sha-chan! You look so sexy and cute!!!!"Uraraka-chan said as I turned around and looked at Sha-chan, what Uraraka-chan said is true. Her costume is silver, on the left side is ocean waves, and on the right is snowflake crystals, then her mask is sky blue with ocean waves and on the side of the waves is little crystals. And her hero costume is fitted so her curves showed a lot, Mineta and Kaminari looked at her with blood rushing on their noses while I blushed and got nervous.

"U-U-U-Uraraka-chan!"Sha-chan said as I walked towards them

"S-S-Sha-chan y-y-you look b-b-b-beautiful......"I said as she blushed and hugged Uraraka-chan, then All Might guided us to the exercise ground.

Shamir's POV
I was in the same team with Uraraka-chan and Deku-kun, and the villains are Iida-kun and Bakugo-kun which makes us the heroes and we are 3 vs. 2 so yeah. The exercise started, Uraraka-chan got separated from me and Deku-kun cause Bakugo-kun is charging towards Deku-kun. Weird he's only attacking Deku-kun not me......I need to provoke him and fight me b-b-but how!? Oh I know!

"OI BAKAGO!!!!! FIGHT ME LIKE A REAL MAN-----WOAH THAT'S SO CLOSE!!!"I said as Bakugo-kun got me close in his explosions, then he charged at Deku-kun again.

"T-THE HECK IS WRONG WITH Y-Y-Y-YOU!? D-D-DEKU-KUN ISN'T THE ONLY PERSON HE----"he cut me off by pulling the big explosion he created as I looked at Deku-kun, it went slow motion as I quickly ran towards Deku-kun then pushed him away and I created a ice shield for me before the explosion even hit me.

Bakugo's POV
I breathed heavily and the smoke cleared as I smirked but quickly looked shocked when I saw a ice shield and inside of that shield is the fatass, Shamir Sairo. Where's that damn nerd!?

"Sha-chan!?"Deku said as I looked at him as the ice shield disappeared and Fatass coughing.

"I-I-I-I'm okay!!!"Fatass said as I looked at them in pure hatred, s-she's so strong-------a-a-all of them......

~Time skip when the fight finished in Midoriya's POV~
We won and Sha-chan did really save my life out there so I have to thank her, we got back to our classroom and Sha-chan's lips looks kinda pale.

"Sha-chan are you really okay? That explosion is scary and powerful"Momo-chan said as Sha-chan nodded, she was about to walk out of the room but she started to fall but luckily I caught her in time.

"Sha-chan!? Sha-chan!?"I asked as her cellphone dropped to the ground when I carried her bridal style.

"Call her guardian in the phone"Iida-san said as Uraraka-chan nodded and called someone

"He said that he'll be here in the classroom"Uraraka-chan said as I kept carrying her until her guardian comes. Aizawa-sensei came rushing in and looking worried for Sha-chan.

"Y-y-your her guardian Aizawa-sensei!?"I asked as he nodded and he carried Sha-chan on his back.

"As much as I hate carrying her because she's heavy, I need to, since I promised Hydro Man that I'll take care of her"he said as he walked out of the room and I looked really worried.

"So she's living in the same roof as Aizawa-sensei?"Iida asked as I nodded

"It's your fault that Sha-chan is like that *kero*"Tsuyu-chan said to Kaachan as he looked annoyed by her

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