Chapter One

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Yoongi's POV

I stare down at my book on the table, running my hand through my newly dyed blue hair before rubbing at my tired eyes. 'I shouldn't have stayed up all night to study and practice piano'. I flinch at the sound of the bell ringing loudly throughout the building, awakening me from my fatigue state as it indicates freedom for the time being.

Hurrying through the sea of students, I make my way towards the canteen, where I examine my surroundings for an empty seat. The cafeteria was big with white walls and large circular tables scattered throughout the room. My orbs suddenly widen when realisation smacks me in the face. 'I've forgotten my lunch again!' Sighing, I take a seat down at a vacant table. I decide to rest up for a bit, placing the side of my face down against the cold surface while shutting over my charcoal orbs. Slowly, I drift off into the abyss...

"Hyung?!" I groan loudly when hearing my best friend, Jungkook, approach me. He slams his books down onto the table beside me, causing me to jump upright in my seat. 'Maybe if I just pretend to be asleep, he'll go away and let me rest'.
"Hyung, I know you're awake." Jungkook mutters, yet I just ignore him, keeping my eyes sealed shut. He begins to start poking my cheek, vexing me by doing so. Jungkook continues, getting me more and more riled up, and I knew he was smugly grinning about it.
I let out a throaty whine, causing Jungkook to giggle lightly. I proceed to keep my cheek against the table while grumbling out, "Let me sleep, kid." This doesn't stop him. However, as he once more, pokes my face. "No can do hyung! It's much more fun annoying you!" He cheekily admits, and I could practically hear the satisfied chuckle in his tone.

Lifting my head to meet his gaze, I glare with an irritated gleam in my eye. Jungkook simply smiles happily at me, glad that he's successful in waking me up from my moody daze. However, his smile soon falters into a frown. "You've forgotten your lunch again, haven't you?" I sheepishly stared down at my fingers, "I was up all night studying for exams and almost didn't make it on time this morning. " I admit before my face returns to its grumpy ways, "so leave me alone, airhead." I mutter out the insult, which makes the younger chuckle more.
"So..." Jungkook trails off, obviously looking for something. "Wanna go to the coffee shop after college today?" He suggests rather excitingly. I raised a questionable brow, inspecting his expression before asking, "You mean the very one we always go to, but you wouldn't tell me why you like it so much?"
Jungkook cracks a small smile, "Because it's highly priced, and you're paying by the way." He announces while walking away so that I don't have a chance to protest. "Brat!" I hiss in frustration once I realise he's gone.


While making my way out the front of the college establishment, ready to head for home since all I want most is to sleep, a familiar voice comes yelling from behind. "Hyung! Wait up!" I hear footsteps running closer, causing a weak moan to escape my parted lips. This only makes Jungkook giggle more since I completely forgot about the plan to go to the coffee shop.

"How many times are you gonna groan at me today?" The younger teases with an evident smirk on his lips. I glance over at him before staring forward again and begin to take the opposite turn away from my house and instead towards the coffeehouse. "Well, I'm only groaning because you're being annoying." I fire back with tiredness in my tone. He rolls his dark orbs at me before wiping a fake tear while sniffing, "You say the nicest of things, hyung."

Now, it was my turn to roll my eyes while wrinkling my nose up a little. This results in both of us chuckling loudly at one another as we continue on our way towards the habitual place we always go to.


I look down the long pathway towards the small, quaint coffeehouse. It was nothing fancy, but it does get pretty busy often. We approach the heavy door. Peeling it back with all my might, we enter inside, where I spot people with laptops on the table, furiously typing and the loud sounds of the coffee machine in session.

Jungkook grabs a seat at a table near the counter while I make my way towards the line, I already knew Jungkook's usual order anyway. I recognise the same two guys who usually work the counter as I attempt to keep myself awake by shaking my head.

Eventually, the line gets smaller and smaller. "Hello!" The boy behind the counter chimes, "what can I get you to--oh! Your usual?" I realise just then how often we must come in here for them to know our usual. I wasn't particularly surprised by this point as I simply nodded in response. He wipes his hands on his apron, which I notice has some stains on it, his bright orange hair a tad dishevelled. I find myself taking in his appearance closely as he beams a closed lip smile in my direction before turning to prepare it. I watch him closely, inspecting every move he makes. He soon returns to the counter and hands me the drinks, which I take with ease. "Here you go sir, have a nice day." He cheerfully says with a wide smile and a small giggle. I pull out some money from my jeans pocket and pass it over to him.

I quickly make my way over to Jungkook and take a seat beside him while placing down his coffee mug in front of him. I decided to use this time to study as I yank out my textbook from my backpack and put it into the table. "Here, make yourself useful and quiz me." I ask, sliding the book over to him. I don't bother to glance at the younger, continuing to pull anything else I might need from my bag before placing it back down on the floor.

However, I soon became aware of the fact that his gaze was directed at the counter with a strange expression displayed across his face. I raise a brow before I find myself smirking devilishly. 'How did I not notice this earlier?' With the knowing look still present on my face, I lean over and whisper in his ear, "so which one of the two are you crushing on?".

shout out to one of the best people I know BTS_ARMY333 for helping me with this!! and for doing the cover! Thank you!!

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