Chapter Six

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Yoongis pov

Sighing longly, I hurriedly leave the college building feeling a cool breeze blow on me, making me lightly shiver. I slowly walk down the path to make my way home, smiling, contently hearing birds chirping, cars driving past me while the cool breeze still blows on my skin.

"Hyung, wait!" Jumping slightly, I turn to the direction the voice is coming from, chucking seeing Jungkook running to me.
"Where are you going?" A pout forming on his face.

"Erm, home?" I questioned, tilting my head puzzled, the pout deepening on him.
"But hyung, the coffee shop!" He whines, lightly shaking my wrist. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"You do realise that I'm never showing my face there again?!" I feel him start to lightly pull my wrist as he tries to slowly walk with me in the opposite direction of my house.
"Hyung!!" He yells, whining loudly, I let out a grunt.

"Jungkook! You know you've put all this effort into me doing this for you, whereas if you put this much effort into asking Jimin out--" he sighs, cutting me off.
"Hyung you know I'm shy, Jimin is the most beautiful boy I've ever seen, being in the coffeehouse makes my stomach warm knowing he's there" a soft smile forms, then a bright blush takes over.
Pausing I start to think it over then pinch the bridge of my nose. 'Why am I so nice'.
"Fine, fine! okay, I'll come with you now to the shop."

The brightest smile I've ever seen takes over Jungkook as he starts jumping for joy.
"You're the best hyung ever! Thank you! thank you!" he keeps chanting. Smirking, I cross my arms.
"On one condition," he immediately stops, looking a bit scared at me.
"W-what?" I hear the shake in his voice.
"You come up with me to order the drinks." My smirk widens, seeing his eyes open up in horror.
"HYUNG!" The biggest yell comes from him.
I stand there staring at him as he thinks then exhales.
"Deal," he hesitates.


"Yoongi, Jungkook!" I hear brightly as we walk towards the coffee shop.

"Oh, hoseok!" Jungkook gleams, hugging him. He smiles back, and I feel him ruffle my hair.
"And how is my little yoongles?" I glare at him, rolling my eyes at the name, choosing to ignore him. Jungkook is now laughing beside me.

All three of us enter, I feel nerves take over me remembering what happened the last time I came here. Trying not to make eye contact with the boy behind the counter. I'm realising that's hopeless as I have to order soon. I feel Jungkook take deep breaths, I gently put my hand on his back, and he gratefully smiles at me.

The three of us start making conversation in the queue, but then Hoseok takes a seat at a table as me and Jungkook wait in place, we wait patiently, a few minutes pass although it feels like hours, when we hear a small
"who's next".

At a slow pace, we approached the boy I humiliated myself in front of. Something feels off with him.
"Your usual order for you two? And what can I get your b-boyfriend?" I hear him mumble, taking small glances at me.
"I'm sorry?" My eyebrows furrow, feeling puzzled.
"Your boyfriend?, the guy sitting on the table, who ruffled your hair outside," he smiles softly, Jungkook starting to giggle.
"You mean hoseok?" I ask bewildered.
"If that's the guy you came in with, then yeah," he softly chuckles. "What can I get him?". He bites his lip.
I can't help but snicker.
"You mean my cousin Hoseok?" I tilt my head. I look lost when his eyes widen as a blush takes place on his cheeks, his head hanging low now.
"O-oh, I-I see, excuse me for a minute?!" he hurriedly says, rushing to the backroom, the blush not leaving, I can't help but think it's cute. I hear Jungkook laughing.
"Hyung, you and him are a mess!" he laughed out. It's then we hear a chuckle from behind the counter, turning to see it's Jimin.
"I agree." he nods, smiling at us. I feel Jungkook freezes beside me.
"O-oh, I can hear Hoseok shouting!" Jungkook rushing says, hurrying away, making me shake my head.
'Now who's the mess' I think.

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