Chapter Two

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Yoongi's pov

My smirk widens as Jungkook whips his head towards me, his cheeks a tinge of pink while his big beady orbs widen. I let out a little chuckle at the sight.

"c-crushing?! Me?! what! Where did you get that from Hyung!" His voice is shaky, making my smirk widen.
"It's written all over your face, plus it all makes sense, the constant coming here you are never going to order." He sinks a little in his seat, looking defeated. I look at the counter, squinting.
"Now to find out which one it is." I put my fingers on my chin looking between the two boys while Jungkook quickly as a shot, turns his head to me I take a glance at him it's then I notice the fear in his eyes, but I couldn't help teasing him. I take a sip from my coffee and then place it back on the table, keeping my cold hands around the warmness of the cup.

I then felt something, or rather someone, hit my shoulder. "You'll do no such thing, hyung!" I raise an eyebrow at him. He goes to say something, but we then hear a voice behind us, making us both jump and turn to them.
"Excuse me, our boss Jin has noticed you two come here a lot, so he's offered you both these. we hope you like them." He slowly places the two coffees on the table making me look at Jungkook, but suddenly he's finding the floor more interesting the pink evident in his cheeks, my orbs widen slightly, 'so this is him'.

I turn back to the boy smiling sweetly. "Tell your boss we said thank you." I look at his name tag,"Jimin." He nodded, smiling,  then walked away. It's then that Jungkook glares at, me making me laugh.
"Hyung, you're the worst." A pout makes its way to his lips.
"Thanks, kid!" I shrug then chuckle as he huffs. I then looked at him puzzled.
"Why don't you ask him out, dummy?" Sighing, he looks at me with an unreadable expression.
"Because he can hear me. Besides, he'd say no." Sighing longly, he sadly looks to the floor. I pat his shoulder to try to comfort him.
"Kook, you won't know unless you try." He shakes his head then smirks at me.
"Well, one good thing came from this." The smirk never leaves his face, making me look taken back.
"I can say the Min Yoongi patted my shoulder to comfort me." He sticks his tongue out to me. I chuckle slightly.
"Brat!" Loudly giggling we drink our coffee then Jungkook looks over to the counter sighing, I look over with him noticing Jimin smiling sweetly at the customers while pushing his hair back I hear another sigh and snicker turning to Jungkook.
"You got it bad." I sing song in his ear to annoy him he ignores me, rolling his eyes. I hear a cute giggle coming from the counter I look back over seeing the orange haired boy giggling away at something the customer must have said my eyes never leaving him like an animal with their pray he suddenly turns his head to me making me jolt only noticing now how I'd been staring, his orbs widen slightly, then instantly he looks down playing with his fingers.

"Hyung?" A voice says, making me snap out of my trance, turning slowly to Jungkook.
"Huh?" Confusion laced in my voice as I notice he's standing making him cackle slightly.
"Let's go." Nodding my head, I stand and calmly walk out the door with him.


I approach my doorway 'finally home' I hurriedly open my door feeling the warmth hit me as I enter my house I then fastly walk upstairs entering my big slightly messy room I change my hideous college clothes to something suitable for bed stretching I collapse on my bed finally being able to close my eyes to let sleep takeover.

But then the doorbell rings and a weak groan escapes my lips as I attempt to ignore it suddenly I hear loud knocking I let out a whine slowly getting out of bed dragging my tired limbs to the door 'this better be good'. I open the door speedy, lifting an eyebrow and seeing the bright orange haired boy from the coffee shop, still in uniform, smiling brightly at me. I look at him, dazed.
"Can I help you?". The tiredness is evident in my voice. His smile brightened down with a nervous expression taking over.
"Oh, hi, yeah, y-you left this at the coffee shop." With each sentence, his voice goes quieter, turning slightly he pulls out my study book out of his rather large bag. I look at it for a few seconds, not remember leaving it behind, but I give him a small smile.
"Oh, thanks." I reach out and take our fingers ever so slightly brushing something then dawns on me so I look at him bewildered.
"How do you know where I live?" I couldn't help but give him a smug look."Did you follow me?"
His eyes enlarge as he shakes his head frantically.
"No! of course not, I know your friend Jungkook, I texted him."

I hum, giving a small nod, too tired to care. I then go to shut the door but notice he's still standing there just looking around.
"Was there something else?" I ask a little annoyed he jumps slightly, and I notice his cheeks flushing as he looks at me almost like he's expecting something but shakes his head slowly.
"No, there isn't s-so I guess I'll see you around, bye," he says immediately but gives a small smile and a wave of his hand as he turns to leave fast.

I stood there for a few minutes baffled, but then shrugged, turning around and heading upstairs once again, hurrying to bed to finally fall asleep.

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