Chapter 18: Please don't go

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 5AM. Why did I wake up this early? Sleeping is good. I forgot about everything for a while. But now that I’m awake, I remember the pain again. I went to the bathroom and start fixing myself. My eyes are all swollen from crying last night. I splashed water to my face to stop myself from crying again and again. Why am I so emotional?

 After getting ready, I found myself leaving our house towards the school’s backyard. I don’t know, it has become a habit to me. Visiting the sunflowers and watering them. I had always thought that I would see them grow with Chae Ri but no. Yesterday was the last time I would see her.

 I sat at the bench near the plants. Staring blankly at them, I reminisced. How our love-hate relationship started, I looked like a fool back then. But then Chae Ri helped me to forget Mari. And now, it’s my turn to forget her.

 I feel bad for Chae Ri. She said that these sunflowers are the last memory of her deceased mother. I should take care of them in place of her. I can still remember clearly, the morning we spent together as lovers. The day she said she needs me because she likes me. It was the best sentence I have ever heard in my life.

 In front of these sunflowers, it was the last time I saw Chae Ri. Chae Ri can’t choose between me and Taemin. So I said I’ll wait. I’ll wait for her choice.


  ‘it’ll take time Key.’ ‘when it was already with you but you decided to let it go’ These words are constantly repeating in my head as I ran towards the road to take a cab. It’s 6:30 AM. Chae Ri’s flight is at 7:15. I hope I could still catch up on her. “Mari! Are you at the airport now?” I said as I call Mari. “Yes Key. Are you coming? Faster, they’ll board soon!” Mari told me.

  “Ahjussi, please go faster!” I said to the taxi driver. How foolish of me. I soon reached the Airport. Mari was waiting for me at the entrance to lead me to Chae Ri. We were running towards her. As I look for her, the different expressions of her face flashed in my head. I can’t stop looking for her, I want to see her. I want to see Chae Ri.

  As soon as I reached her, I hugged her. I never thought I could see this face again. “Chae Ri-ya, I’m sorry. I’m  sorry.” I said as I hugged her tightly. “Sorry for what, Key? I’m the one who’s sorry.” She said as she hugs me back. “I’ll wait for your return. I’ll wait for you to finally choose me.” I murmured. “I love you Chae Ri.” I finally said.

 “I’ll find my way back. The day that I’ll come back, that’s the day I confirm my feelings for you.” She explicated. “I understand. Take care of yourself there. Call me anytime you want, I’m just right here.” I said. I gave her a little peck on her forehead. I waved my goodbye to her.

 I hope.. she’ll come back. 

(A/N: SHINee - In my room on the Multimedia box. Heh ^^) 

Key's sunflower (SHINee fanfic/That oppa sequel)Where stories live. Discover now