A New Chicken Lover

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 [Narrator 1]

[Narrator POV]

It was a was a marvelous sunrise. It was Saturday, even though Dan had no school, she decided to start looking for a part-time job, as for Niko, well he had to work today, unfortunately. Niko got up around 10:50 AM and got ready for work making sure he had everything, once he was ready and about to head out the door and woke everyone up and got them to eat breakfast than he left to work. Working as a cook was a job that Niko enjoyed, but he didn't like some of the pressure that came along with the job. He enjoyed cooking, just on bad mornings he didn't always make the food just right, it would usually be undercooked a little, but still very much edible, rarely anyone complained, he knew a lot of customers that came through the door, they were some of the restaurant's best customers, they never complain and eat their food. Meanwhile, Kion was chasing Meo around the house with a stuffed plushie of a dog acting like a 5-year-old. "Juzzou Lover, Juuzou Lover! Now kiss the dog- I mean Juuzou!" Kion said whilst still chasing Meo around the house. Kion had a plushie of the dog with The face of Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul. "Kion stop this right now or no video games for you!" Dan said in an angry tone. Kion stopped chasing Meo with the plushie and gave Meo the plushie and went to go watch TV instead. Susie than decided that she was going to go visit Dan and the kids. Once Susie got to Dan's house, Dan let Susie in and all the kids came running at Susie and hugged her. "Hey, Aunt Susie!" Juice, Kion, Meo and Juice said. "How are all of you?" Suzie said hugging them back. "I'm ok," Juice told Suzie. "I'm doing good! Wanna help me animate?" Kion said in reply to Suzie's question. "I'm doing good!" Meo and Glaco told Suzie. "Well, I don't see why not Kion, let's go, Buddy!" Suzie said to Kion. "Yayyy!!!" Kion said in reply than Kion and Suzie went to the gaming room and got on the computers to draw. 


[Suzie's POV]

I've been drawing with Kion for about 40 to 45 minutes I believe, so far Kion wanted to do ana rt collab with me. His idea was that he drew me in a onesie, and he draws me in a onesie. I was almost done, I just had a few layers to complete and do the background. Kion didn't want me seeing his progress so he decided that he should go in his room and draw. As far as I've seen, his art has been improving, but his gaming skills have improved more and more. We played a few rounds after I got home and got up in the middle of the night. Somehow him playing Overwatch at 2 in the morning wasn't as strange as I thought it would be, even though I know he snuck into this room to play Overwatch when he is supposed to be asleep. It was fun to know that his skills are improving greatly, as they say, practice makes perfect. And now I finally finished my art collab for him, I hope his side of the collab is really cute, I'll just have to wait and see!

[Dan's POV] 

I was sleeping for the past hour than I went to go eat a quick snack then go watch TV. I was sitting on the couch watching Tv with Meo. After watching TV for about 5 minutes, Suzie came up to me and sat next to me on the couch showing me what she drew for Kion. "Oh My Gosh!!! This is so cute! Wait, was this a gift for Kion?" I asked Suzie. "No, we are doing an art trade, I draw him in something, he draws me in something. In this case, we choose pajama time, as the name indicates, we are in pajamas. I am still waiting for him to finish his part of the art trade, it's been about an hour since we started, maybe a little longer." Suzie said replying to me. "Oh okay! Well, I can't wait for his part, no wonder he was so quiet. I thought he went for a walk or something." I told Suzie. "Nope, he is drawing, unless he fell asleep. Meo, can you go check on Kion for me? Thank you!" Suzie asked Meo. "Sure thing Aunt Suzie!" Meo went to her and Kion's room to go check on him. When Meo walked in she saw Kion on top of his artwork asleep. Meo gently shook him to try and wake him up, but when he didn't wake up, Meo shook him very violently. "Wake up Kion or you'll regret it!!!!" Meo shouted at him. Kion instantly woke up and just stared at her. "Yeah ok Meo. I'll act like I believe you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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