Chapter 4

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Yoongis POV

"P-please, d-dont hit me, i-im sorry, please, I beg you" I cry, scared he's gonna beat me, scared he's probably gonna beat me to death.
He laughs, punching me to the ground again

I cry, hoping he just goes away, I'm already hurt enough, why won't he stop, it hurts
He gets on top of me, and starts strangling me, I can't breathe

I try to talk and breathe at the same time "H-hoseok, p-please i-im sorry, I won't do i-it again, I promise




Jimin POV

Why do I hear screaming, I question myself waking up
I get up real quick hearing Yoongi scream
I run to his room
I slam it open
"STOP PLEASE!" I hear him yell

"Oh my god!"
I grab him, shaking him so he could wake up. Hes sweating like crazy, with tears rolling down his cheeks
"Yoongi, wake up! Please!" I yell.
He quickly opens his eyes, he calms down once he sees me.
I hold his head against my chest and hug him "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, calm down" I whisper to him
He softly cries and hugs me softly
I also start crying, I give him a soft kiss on the forehead to comfort him.

I didn't even noticed that he fell back asleep, he didn't say a word to me at all, it made me feel really sad for him.
I lay him back down slowly trying not to wake him up, I lay beside him and cover both of us. I look at him wiping the dry tears off his cheeks. I then close my eyes, but I open them back up widely when I felt him wrap his arm around me and pulled me closer, now hugging me, my head now on his chest, I hug him back, okay maybe I blushed a little, or a lot, ANYWAYS we then fell asleep.

Next morning

I wake up, still hugging Yoongi, I look at him and smile softly, I look away and start getting up quietly so I wouldn't wake him up
I walk to the kitchen, looking for something to make for us
I just grab a box of eggs, baken, & bread
By the time I'm done cooking, I go and check on yoongs to see if he's asleep, I walk in quickly *i should've knocked just incase*
I walk in, my mouth dropped open
He was naked, drying his hair with a towel

He didn't even noticed I was there, then he looked and saw me
"J-JIMIN!" he quickly covers himself with a towel, I can tell he's embarrassed
I turn around quick, blushing hard
"I-im sorry y-yoongi, I just wanted to check if you awake y-yet" I wanted to slap myself for stuttering so much
"T-theres b-b-breakfast t-too by the w-way" I tried again not to stutter but obviously failed
I walk off quickly not looking back

By the time I'm done eating, he comes back out, fully clothed
He sits across from me and starts eating
He looks okay, but I know he isn't, he's good at hiding his emotions
We just sit there, I want to ask him if he's okay but I can't, I'd feel bad for asking out of nowhere

"Okay what do you need?" He blurts out of nowhere, putting down his food
"W-what?" I asked confused, is it that obvious that I wanna ask him something
"Well you look like you need to tell me something, so go ahead" He looks at me with no emotions on his face

"Well..... I wanted to know if.. Your okay?" I look down after asking that
He also looks down, I'm now regretting what I asked
"I'm... Fine" He says, almost whispering but loud enough to hear

"Look Jimin, I'm just gonna say it, I know your probably confused about what happened last night, I just had a nightmare, well kind of like...a flashback, that's all, I'm ok now, I swear" Yoongi just stares at his food,
I'm just not knowing how to respond to that, I feel bad, I just wanna hug Yoongi tight, I wanna make him forget about hobi, but... I can't.

"Well, I'm not hungry anymore" He says getting up and stretching
"I don't why I'm still tired, guess I should take a nap" He says walking towards the couch
"Well hyung, i guess I'll be going" I smile softly looking at him lay down with his eyes closed

I walk towards the door unlocking it then open it, as I'm about to walk out I jumped a little when I felt someone from behind, hugging me
"Thank you" He whispers in my ear
I smile, "no problem Yoongi, if you ever need me, just call me and I'll come over"
"Alright" He says letting go of me
"Bye hyung" I wave and then he waves back

I miss him already


Hoseoks POV

I wake up by the bright light shining on my face from the sunrise
Where the hell am I, I think to myself looking around an unfamiliar room
I look to the side of me, some random ass girl I don't even know
"Must've been drunk as fuck last night" I mumble to myself
This definitely isn't the 1st time I've done this

I get up quickly dressing myself before she wakes up
I open the door slowly, and quietly closing it
I walk out of the house, getting into my car, turning it on, and now driving off

I finally arrived home, now entering my house, locked the door, I fall onto the couch, almost falling asleep, till I hear a knock on the door
I groan loud, getting up slowly
I open the door quickly

"Oh my god, what the fuck do you want?!"
This fucking bitch always keeps wanting to talk to me
"Please, talk to me, I miss you daddy!"
Some random girl says
"Bitch I don't even remember your damn name, who are you again?"
"Remember? I'm your princess daddy" She says now stepping closer to me, I push her harshly almost causing her to fall
"Don't fucking touch me you slut, get the fuck away from before I call the fucking cops!" I spit out
The girl now looking scared, she starts shaking "i-i thought you loved m-me"
I start getting more annoyed and slam the door in her face
Again, this also isn't the first time, so many other people have done the same shit, but more annoying and much worse

But I honestly just don't give a shit about anything anymore

I walk into my room, now laying down on my bed
I look through my phone, old pictures & videos of my family, I start giggling at the old videos of me and my brother and sister playing video games, I was totally different back then, I was always happy 24/7, always had the biggest smile on my face
I was even more happier the day I came out to my family that I wuz bi and dating... Yoongi, the reason I was happy because they totally accepted me & Yoongi being together

I click on another video of the last video I had of me and my siblings
I started sobbing like crazy
"I miss you guys so much, you don't even understand" I whisper to myself
"I miss you eomma... Appa.. I miss you so much" I cry even more


Sorry if this chapter was boring 😅

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