Robin Williams

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So today, I went to the store with my dad and saw one of those Life magazines with a picture of one of my favorite actors on it, Robin Williams. I didn't pick the magazine up or anything but I asked my dad about it and he said the Robin died. "What?" I said, looking at my dad with a bit of shock. "You didn't know? It happened about a week ago." Dad said. "How did he die?" I asked, feeling a bit down. "He commited suicide, he asphyxiated himself."

Now, I'm really sad... This man was one of the funniest actors ever! And now he's dead. It seems like this happens a lot to me. Every time I find someone of something I like, someone kills themself or someone dies or something really bad happens! Why can't I just love something without it dying!? 

Anyways, if you didn't know about Robin killing himself, now you do. #NeverForget

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