Flashback- When William Was Born

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Ant's p.o.v
It was happiest day of my life, I couldn't help but a large grin took over my face. I had my own kid, the image of a little me running around made me chuckle. I heard a knock on the door, knowing who it was, I one handily opened the door revealing Dec and Ali whilst my other held the small boy.

Ali went to get us some drinks and once Lisa was clear to go she made it obviously clear that she wanted nothing to do with him. Dec came up and put a arm around my shoulder and I saw a tear or two came out.
I knew that if someone was going to love the new member more then me, it Was Dec. Whilst the new boy was sleeping in the little cot in the corner, me and Dec sat down on the two chairs to discuss names and giving mev a helping hand.

I knew that Dec was going to be very close to the boy like a 'Uncle' or 'Second Dad' and Ali would be a like a mother figure as I was going to be a single dad and would need a little but of help. A few minutes later, Ali came into the room handing us each a tea and a snack. Once eaten, William started to stir so me, Ali and Dec made our to the cot. While I was calming him down, Ali brokenly whispered,  "What was I going to call him?"
As we all stood there smiling at the boy cuddle in my arms.

"William! I'm going to name him William!" I replied not taking my off the newly named baby. I could feel Dec smiling as it was the first he suggested and Ali was also over the moon.

Uncle Dec Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang