Chapter 18: Feeling Stupid!

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----Deanna POV-----

It's been two months since the incident with Jessy's ex and I can say I've recovered quite well, though not enough to wash out the hatred I was still feeling.

But the fact that the girl I was in love with, was being so supportive made me feel better on some level.

It may sound impossible and plain stupid, but I fell in love with her all over again.

And now, with the brunette lying on my bed, I'm trying hard to concentrate on my essay due in three days time. But the truth is, I haven't added a single word because of Jessica's presence is making it that much harder.

"Deanna?" she asked.

I then scribbled furiously at my blank piece of paper, hoping she wouldn't notice that I was distracted before turning to her slowly, clearing my throat.


"I think I like someone" she looked at me intently.

I froze, unconsciously reaching for my pack of cigarettes on my desk.

"That's great" I think I sounded enthusiastic enough to fool her and myself.

Jessy bit her bottom lip, pulling back at it with her perfect teeth; I thought that it was a very...adorable habit of hers.

I blindly groped at my desk for the lighter before lighting the cigarette.

"So who's the guy?"

My eyes accidentally wandered down to her long slightly tanned legs on display from her denim shorts. My gaze lingered a little longer than necessary before I decided to stare at the ground instead, waiting for her answer.

"It's just a silly crush" she replied almost sarcastically, adding a shrug.

I looked up and I could tell by her eyes that she was irritated with what I had said but I just didn't get why.

"What did I say?" I asked her, exhaling the smoke.

"Nothing Deanna" she replied, getting off my bed.

The brunette walked over to me, kissing my cheek briefly before moving to my door.

"Talk to you tomorrow"

"What, wait!" I called, but she was already out of my room and in seconds, walked out of my house.

I watched her back, eyes dropping lower to rest on her backside when I shook my head, looking away. Letting out a frustrated growl, I banged my head on the table.

"Women" I muttered.


"Stupid Deanna" Jessy murmured,

There she was, her a chance, and she didn't take it.

She wanted Deanna to make the first move, to admit the bloody truth that they were both too stubborn to voice out loud.

Though Jessy knew that Deanna was still attracted to her when her eyes were on her legs that she had purposely decided to make good use of when Celine and Bea had hinted that Deanna would sometimes stare.

It was childish, what Jessy was doing, but she wanted to know if what Deanna felt for her was real.

Annoyed at the girl she was crushing on, the brunette quickened her pace to go home when he phones began to ring. She was surprised to see that it was Deanna but picked up anyway.

"I'm sorry if I said something wrong" was the first thing that came from her mouth.

Hearing those words made Jessy feel somewhat guilty for leaving the way she did, after all, how was Deanna supposed to know what was going through her head.

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