Chapter 33: I won't, I can't!

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--Deanna POV---

I barely heard myself but her pace had slowed, yet I was unsure to whether she heard me or not. But all thoughts were gone when she continued walking away and I threw my head back, squeezing my eyes shut.


I wiped at my face once more with the back of my sleeve and made to leave when Celine pulled me back into her embrace.

My hands remained by my side when Celine was crying with me until I broke, because it finally struck me that Jessy was gone.

The brunette I adored, the girl I loved; she was gone.

I would have done the same thing even if it were Bea's arms around me, or Kathy's or even Rachel's.

I just needed someone there.

"Bea told me everything" she whispered, sobs shaking her entire being.

"Celine, I lost her..."

"I could've called her back, I could've done something...anything" I told her.

Celine sniffed and cleared her tears away before breaking the embrace shaking her head and throwing a small smile at me.

"Let's get you cleaned up, and then we'll talk" she said, pulling me in the direction of her home.

"At the drink-up, the asshole said he-"

"Whatever he said wasn't true. Jessy never stayed near of him for the whole night, not even nearing him on a 10 metre radius" Celine cut me off gently,

I nodded, relief flooding me and I fell back onto my friend's bed, now free of any misunderstanding between the two of us. "

"She's only ever loved someone so much, and it's you; it's still you" the girl told me.

It made me feel better, to know that everyone else before me wasn't taken as serious, it made me feel as though I was the right one for her.

But it was another issue whether I was the one or not.

"Thanks Celine" I murmured.

"She still loves you Deanna, so much, I can tell. She's hurt and angry, but she's worried about you. Please don't give it up" Celine pleaded with me.

I shook my head,

"I won't, I can't"

She still loved me. And I couldn't lose.

The atmosphere around me suddenly wasn't as dark and gloomy but turned to something lighter. Something lifted off my shoulders and I didn't feel like I was carrying the whole world above me. I had to do this for Jessy.

"Have you thought of a way yet?" Celine asked,

"I was thinking something along the lines of sending him to hospital with a broken arm and leg, and maybe a dislocated shoulder. That wouldn't be too much, right?" I said.

"But Bea's done some research already and found some people who can help us" Celine reasoned with me.

"Let's not turn this into something where everyone involved. Me and him and just fine" I reached in my back pocket for my packet of smokes.

"Not if you're going to be like what you were today" she raised a brow.

I watched the flame burn into the cigarette and smoke swirl about my face and grinned,

"It won't happen again" I promised.

"Looks like your confidence is back to full boost" my friend commented.

"Never would have without your help"

I didn't arrive to school until recess with the necklace around me lighter than normal. It felt odd; different but I knew it'd be worth it in the end.

Michelle Samonte glared at me as soon as I stepped into Maths for third, with her redhead companion narrowing her eyes at me.

I ignored them and sat at the back room which was now empty save for me because Celine had moved two rows up ahead with Jessy since the incident.

The class went by rather uneventfully, until the bell rang and everyone filed out.

"I think I'm going to move to Celine's group" I heard the brunette say softly yet firmly.

A moment of silence passed until the blonde stepped forward,

"What? Jessy, what do you mean? You're moving to that group?" the barbie demanded.

"I'm sorry that they're not party girls Michelle because I've been getting sick of doing just that lately. The girls care and that's really all I need" my ex-girlfriend argued back.

I felt a smile tug on my lips as I packed my notebook and tucked my two pens into my pocket. I made my way to the front of the class where the mini argument was held, but no one had noticed me yet besides from Celine.

"I can't believe you Jessy, they're-they-re-" she couldn't seem to find the right words to continue and Jessy bet her to it.

"They're my friends, that's what" she was fast losing her patience, I could tell by her eyes.

"Come on Jessy, you know that's ridiculous" KC added, twirling her red hair around her thin fingers.

I wanted to walk past with a pair of scissors in my hand.

"First it's Alvizo, now this" Michelle glared fiercely.

"Don't bring Deanna into this!" she immediately snapped.

I stopped my movements, surprised and saw Celine looking at me.

"Are you angry you can't control anyone anymore?" I decided to step in with absolutely no invitation but I didn't care in the least.

"Angry that someone's going against you?" I pushed at her limits.

"That's why you want her to stay, huh?"

"No one asked you dyke!" she yelled, anger getting the better of her.

"Oh, looks like I struck a nerve" I mimicked her words from yesterday afternoon.

"Have fun trying to recruit more bimbos" I smirked, walking past them, making sure to brush past the brunette.

------------ The Ring on her neck-----

"Ah, hi there, you were from this morning weren't you?" the old man smiled kindly.

"Yes sir" I nodded, he was someone respectable.

"Let me just grab the ring for you" he moved about in his station before he grinned and held the silver ring up high with pride.

"Ah huh, here we are little girl" he slid it to me over the counter carefully.

I inspected the neat words engraved inside the ring, squinting my eyes just a little.

Deanna for Jessy

"Thank you" I passed over the money and began to walk away.

"Your change girl" he called after me.

"Don't worry bout it, keep it" I said over my shoulder with a grin.

I was too concentrated on the words now engraved in the ring.

One day, I would be able to give the ring back to its righteous owner.

Just a little longer and maybe, maybe everything will be perfect again.

'Deanna for Jessy'

I read over it again, attaching it back to my necklace.

Always and forever..

A/N: Who's excited for the next chapter?

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