chapter two

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It was strange, living in a house that you had no memories in. It was different from renting a hotel room, because you'd expect it to be weird and new.

Not a house. And especially not this house.

Claus felt sort of uneasy, especially near Ninten or whatever his name was. He wasn't a bad guy, but he was just sort of strange. 

It was a few hours after Ness showed Lucas and Claus their room. Lucas was already situated and was begging Claus to hurry up, "You slowpoke! They're probably wondering what we're doing, shutting ourselves in the room."

Claus rolled his eyes, "You worry too much. I'm almost finished here," he responded as he unfinished unpacking. 

While unpacking, Claus was given time to think. It was a strange topic that rested on top of his head, but he couldn't stop thinking about Ninten.

He'd finally finish, following Lucas into the living room. Claus tried to avoid gazes with Ninten, but snuck one every once in a while when he was sure that he wasn't looking.

Ness fixed up a small dinner for them to eat before announcing that they should get to know each other a little bit better.

Ninten groaned, "Why cant you just leave them alone, I bet they're tired after their long trip from who-knows-where?" He'd turn to look at Claus for a little bit, before turning back at Ness.

Ness shrugged, "Still, if they want to feel welcome it would be nice to have an actual conversation, right Lucas?"

Lucas made a noise, apparently surprised that he was called on. 

Ness excused himself from the table and grabbed Lucas's hand, "You're coming with me. Claus, you can go with Ninten. Have fun! Or dont."

Ness forced Lucas into another room, leaving Ninten and Claus behind.

Claus had nothing else to do but turn to look at Ninten.


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