Chapter 17

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We walk out of the room a short while later and was blocked by Master, or Barry, as I now know his name, but I wouldn't dare call him anything else.

"So, how was things with the client. What did you do and what did you talk about," he asked me. Seriously, does this fucker think that I have to tell him how I had sex.

"It was just sex Master, we didn't talk much." He raise his eyebrow and asked me to my face why he couldn't hear anything coming from the room, except music. "I guess he likes having sex to the beat of the music Master."

With that, he burst out in laughter and walks away. I take Maud's hand and together we leave the house. I look at the time and saw that I still have about three hours before meeting Adam.

I helped Maud to get ready for bed and lie next to her. One by one the other girls came in and I watch them with hooded eyes. They all had the same defeated look on their faces, the look that says how broken they were and I can't even give them hope, as I'm not sure myself what will happen.

The only people that knows of my meeting with Adam in the evenings is Megan, Paige and Beatrice, but they don't know his relation to Maud or of Vincent's true identity. I prefer to keep it that way until the right time.

While lying on the bed, a whole lot of things goes through my mind. I need to get more information from Adam, so we can get out of here. Half an hour before midnight I sat up with a splitting headache and went to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water.

I look at myself in the broken mirror we have above the small basin and tears formed in my eyes. Will we ever get away from all of this or will this life be our destiny to be sex slaves. I look down at my shaking hands and close my eyes for a few seconds, before looking at my wrist watch, then hurry to the door as I saw that it was a few minutes after midnight already.

Adam was at the usual spot behind the building waiting for me. I walk up to him and saw that he was watching me. "What's wrong Abigail, why were you crying," was the first words coming from him and I just shake my head.

He takes me by my hand and pulled me to stand against the building so I'm not visible in the moonlight. "Tell me what has upset you, did something happen, is Maud ok." He kept on rambling and I assured him that Maud was fine.

"I'm fine Adam, rather tell me that you have some good news for me. I don't know how long some of these girls will be able to survive, as I saw how defeated some of them looked earlier."

So he told me where most cameras were around the property and that he has installed his own cameras so that Vincent and his team can explore the grounds via cameras. I told him about my time with Vincent and what Master(Barry) said to me, so he can tell Vincent about it.

We were so busy sharing information that we forgot to check the time until a guard approached us and asked what we doing. Adam came up with a lie and said that he was just asking me why I'm outside and was just gonna escort me back inside.

The guard looked at me and said that I know I'm not suppose to be outside on my own, so I apologise and walk back to the front of the building.

The survivors(Completed)  - Book 1 of The Survivor SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now