Chapter 20

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I sat outside for a short while thinking about everything in my life so far. There is so many things I wanna do once I'm out of here. One of them is to find my so-called parents and make them pay for what they did to me. How can any parent sell their children as if they just a piece of property.

I got up and went back inside and got into bed next to Maud. It felt like I have just fallen asleep when I heard a commotion and I jumped up quickly. I look down at a sleeping Maud and look around the quarters. Some of the girls also woke up and looked around.

I hear screaming and jumped into action and asked one of the girls to stay with Maud at all times until I get back, before grabbing my sneakers and ran for the door. As I ran outside, a screaming Megan came running towards me.

"They all dead, they all dead," she cried out over and over again. I start shaking her to calm her down. "Megan, calm the fuck down and tell me what happened," I plead with her.

She points to the house and I didn't wait for her to explain. I grabbed her arm and ran towards the house and it was complete chaos. There were girls crying over the lifeless body's of other girls and some of the girls were just sitting there with no emotion because of something they were given.

I jumped into action and shouted to the girls who was still fine to help me with the other girls. My eyes caught some guards ushering some men out of the house, but I didn't care about any of them, my only concern was the girls. As I move between them, I start ripping off sheets or whatever I could to cover the lifeless bodies, as some of them still had their eyes open.

Adrenalin was pumping through my veins as I check every one of the girls and I cried out when I saw Beatrice sitting in a corner. She tried getting up, but fell to the floor again. I shout out to Megan to take her outside to get fresh air, but Megan was just standing with horror written on her face, so I grabbed her and screamed that she needs to focus and help me, otherwise more girls will die.

She snapped out of her shock at my words and together we took all the girls outside. I see some of the guards coming towards us and Adam was amongst them. He helped me with the girls in silence, while the other guards just stood, not knowing what else to do.

I look around me, then went to Beatrice and felt her pulse. She was drugged up, but started focusing more, so I checked the other girls to see if any of them was in immediate danger. Once I was satisfied that they would be fine, I turn and walked back into the house, with Adam right behind me.

We walked back into the room where the bodies were and I start counting them with a heavy heart. Eleven girls lost their lives. A sob broke through my body and I ran back outside, only to puke my guts out.

Hi guys, a few more chapters to go before the end. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

The survivors(Completed)  - Book 1 of The Survivor SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora