Don't Cry, Dont Cry

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A year passed and school soon came around again. I was just a young seventh grader looking at life in the most positive way possible. I didn't really have much to deal with. Bullying wasn't ever a problem for me and my life was steady, at least for right there and then. People didn't really faze me.
I soon had developed a friendship with Kayla, and we became really close. The more I got to know her, the more she opened up to me and new opportunities. The more I hung out with her, the more Josie became jealous and angry. She wanted me all to herself. Yes, we were close before, but she started to change and I noticed that. The innocent girl I once knew started to act like an absolute whore. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. She soon somehow found out about my crush on Jake, but she was the only one who knew about it at the time and I didn't know it.
Once athletics came around (and let me remind you that I was in athletics and Kayla wasn't, so we used different locker rooms because she was in physical education, so she wasn't there), Josie decided to tell me one of the most horrifying things I could've ever heard at that time in my life, even after everything else she's said to me in the past.
"I really like Jake. I've always had a huge crush on him. Would you like to be my wingman?" She gave me that 'innocent' smile like she knew nothing at all. Of course, I was too blind and didn't realize that she had been pretending the entire time.
"Aww, that's so cute. Of course I will." My mouth spoke before I could even think. I felt so stupid, so ignorant. My lips trembled and my eyes began to fill with tears. At that point, my life came crashing down, or at least that's what I had thought. How could she like him, too? Why would she do this to me? Surely she shouldn't have known. She's such a good friend. Maybe she didn't mean to hurt me this way...The thoughts ran rapidly in my head. I couldn't process the words that we're spoken to me. I felt like crying, breaking down, but that would be stupid, right? It's just a boy. It's not like he's going to like her, right? I was pathetic. I kept my smile plastered onto my face until I could no longer.
After school had been let out, I kept my head down. At the time, I was forced to ride the bus to my Nana's house. Josie caught up with me and started to walk me to the bus stop like usual, but I felt uneasy. I felt sick, and I honestly feel sick while writing about this.
While we were halfway there, I noticed Jake walking towards me. I felt like bursting out in tears and falling into his arms, hoping he'd reassure me like he always would, but I kept my cool and acted like I didn't see him.
"Hey." He grabbed my arm and greeted me with a smile. I looked at him and forced a fake smile upon my face. "I just wanted to tell you goodbye since we don't have any classes together."
"Oh.. I-"
"Oh hey, cutie!" Josie cut me off. "Goodness me, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that! It's a habit." She smirked and twirled her hair. I couldn't handle it anymore, and I didn't feel like sobbing and explaining to them why, so I ran off towards the buses without saying a word, without explaining why. Jake called out my name, but I didn't turn back. I didn't slow down. I couldn't. I wouldn't. Instead I sped up with every piece of strength I had. I was in pain due to athletics, but at that moment, that's not what mattered to me. My eyes started to water and my vision was blurry, but I made it onto the bus. I was surely ready to go home and forget everything I had heard from her. She's never called anyone cutie and I couldn't believe what was happening. After I got home, I got a message from Jake and eight missed calls.
"Bella, are you alright?! You've never ran off like that before. Are you hurt? You look like you were going to cry." As I read this message, I began to sob into my pillow. I thought about what to text back, but I couldn't process what to say so I never answered. He cared; he really did, but I just couldn't answer his messages like I usually do.
I  decided to finish math homework, but instead of texting him back, I drifted off into a deep sleep.
I had a nightmare that night, and it was truly horrifying.

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