Chapter 2

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                I woke up next morning to the sound of rain patting rapidly against my spotless windows. It had rained all night and was quietly dying out. Even though it's October in Ohio, the weather will never cease to surprise even the oldest of natives. It was 55o F and this was great weather for an early morning jog. I knew it was going to be foggy, which made it that much more inviting, all I had to do was get out of bed. And everyone knows that is a hell of a lot easier said than actually done. I looked around my room, my room was a very generous size, a dark navy like blue wall stripped its way across all my swimming trophies, random school junk, and electronics scattered across my desk and drawers. But I kept it respectfully clean and tidy; it's how I was raised.

My parents buy me nice things to display the fact that they have money, and others do not. They donate all our old junk to 'Good will' so they can take it off their taxes every year. If there was something in the house that could have a superior label, we have it. For parents who are uber conservative and close minded, we sure do have a lot of extremely nice things. They aren't terrible people, but they definitely have their downfalls. I soon spotted the devil that would be waking me in a few minutes.

My Apple alarm clock goes off at 5 am every morning. Loudly advertising the local pop station, until I decide to get out of bed and beat the living crap out of it trying to find the off button. (I swear it has evolved, I'm pretty sure when I got it the alarm off button was brightly displayed on top, but between you and me, now it's like on the side tucked away near the bottom, it's absolutely terrifying) I'd rather just ignore this eeriness, in order not to anger it.

With a deep sigh, I clicked the "off" switch before it had time to yell at me. My feet hit the warm, fuzzy pearl carpet as I reluctantly went to my closet to grab my morning running wear. I run 2-5 miles every day before school, and before my sis gets up. It all depends if I was soar the night before from practice or partying. Most of the time it would be from swimming practice at the clubhouse. But every once in a while it would be from having a little too much to drink at a friends' house. I carried myself into my bathroom which held a variety of men's products from protein bars to mouthwash, deodorant and cologne, although I had a considerable amount of products, it looked pretty silly since my counter top could host an elephant and still have spare room. My counter was 15 feet long with two sinks, for god knows what reason. See I don't have many people over. It's not like I'm not popular or people don't like me, it's more of the fact that I'm busy with swimming and school work since my mom has big plans for me when it comes to my college years. People ask to hang out with me all the time. I usually have something better to do. Or just don't want to do anything.

I groggily grabbed my electronic tooth paste from its charging base and swiped a clean stripe of wintergreen mint tooth paste across the individually perfect bristles. As I start brushing the thought of last night unexpectedly came to mind. I tried to shove it away as I spit out the foamy mess into my glass bowl sink and quietly grabbed the floss. . As I started my bottom row, this "thing" happens. I don't know if this happens to you, but when I'm flossing, everything that's in between my bottom teeth flies toward my mirror at incredible speed and I have to re-clean my mirror every freaking day; so inefficient.

I grab a pair of running shorts and a dry fit Hollister t-shirt and open my door to head out. I jogged down the long corridor by my sisters and my bedrooms, I spot some of our families portraits hung up and for a second I acknowledge them, but quickly turn to carry on my way. The picture of my family and I laughing while on a canoe trip we went on last summer. My dad and I's canoe was tipped over and my Aunt got a perfect picture of my father and I in the water mid fall. I smiled while making sure the houses alarm system was off. I head out the door and close it with a solid slam. I plug my running Beats into my iPhone as I shifted from a slight jog to a running pace as I speed down my driveway. I think my parents called it a horseshoe drive way since you can pull up to it as if to drop something off and then follow the semi-circle back onto the street. My parents think it looks sophisticated.

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