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Everyone is online

Tuffnut: Hello

Tuffnut: Oh my Thor, I did it!

Tuffnut: I wrote!

Tuffnut: I did it again!

Tuffnut: I did it again!

Tuffnut: I did it-

Astrid: Okay, we get it

Fishlegs: Woah, these are cool

Heather: Yeah, Hiccup you did a really good job on these

Hiccup: 😐

Heather: Hiccup take some credit

Hiccup: ...

Ruffnut: 12dffhruw2

Astrid: What?

Ruffnut: I just wanted to type something

Astrid: 😒

Snotlout: Mutton head

Heather: 😒

Fishlegs: 😒

Ruffnut: 14256e7ufjvnbcfdsSDFTSYtwyujHGFRTYUJQgbnYTGG


Astrid: We aren't supposed to break them

Hiccup: Yeah, I'd prefer them to stay intact

Ruffnut: 😑

Tuffnut: Calm down sister nut, they do not recognise genius when they see it

Ruffnut: Obviously

Snotlout: Sooo...

Heather: Oh no

Snotlout: Hey Heather. Thought you might want to come to my hut for-

Heather has left the chat

Snotlout: What?

Snotlout: Why did she do that?

Tuffnut: I think it means, my unstable friend...

Ruffnut: That you have been rejected

Snotlout: What? She didn't reject me! She's just playing hard to get, and I'm not unstable!

Ruffnut: He's in denial

Tuffnut: Classic

Fishlegs: He still thinks he's up for it?

Astrid: I don't know who he thinks he's kidding

Snotlout: Shut up Astrid.

Hiccup: Guys...

Snotlout: I am so over you

Hiccup: *Sigh*

Astrid: Like I'm disappointed

Snotlout: Look, I know you like me, but please try to conceal your feelings

Fishlegs: Bad idea Snotlout

Astrid: 😡

Astrid has left the chat

Hiccup: You better run

Snotlout: What?

Hiccup: She's running past my hut with her axe

Snotlout: Huh, I can stand up to Astrid any day. I am-

Snotlout: AHHHHHHH

Snotlout: wieuryfgv23456bWUYETDGScndj

Snotlout has left the chat

Ruffnut: I'm gonna watch this

Tuffnut: I'm with you 

Ruffnut has left the chat

Tuffnut has left the chat

Fishlegs: Is that Astrid and Heather chasing Snotlout?

Hiccup: Probably

Hiccup: Wait... Yep

Hiccup: Snotlout is screaming

Fishlegs: Should we help him?

Hiccup: I honestly don't feel like it

Fishlegs: Agreed

Fishlegs: So, when is the dragon eye done?

Hiccup: Soon, it's getting there

Fishlegs: 😳

Hiccup: Fine, come have a look

Hiccup has left the chat

Fishlegs: Yessss

Fishlegs has left the chat

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