Aizawa x reader

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You stirred from the gentle sun pressing warmly against your face, you yawn feeling your eyes drooping and not wanting to co-operate with you. You rubbed your eyes and sat up, forcing yourself to wake up. Looking over you saw a curled up figure, you smiled and rubbed the figure's back gently, not trying to wake them up yet.

You finally stood, and walked out of the room, not caring to close the door, knowing the only thing that might wake them up could be the smell of coffee and breakfast. You finally made it into the kitchen and turned the stove on low, cracking a few eggs that were pulled out of the fridge, and taking out some bacon (if you are vegan I'm sorry >< I don't really know what you guys would eat, if you can think up something else awesome!), and started on the breakfast.

The eggs got done relatively quickly, you turned off the burner for the eggs and continued with the bacon. A warmth and pressure wrapped around your stomach, the long dark strands of your lover brushed against your cheek. You turned looking up at the tired man, admiring all of his features.

"Good morning~" You said sweetly, turning back to the breakfast. He groaned into your hair, he nuzzled you as he graveled out, "Good..mrning..." He rested his chin on your shoulder kissing your neck gently, "That smells wonderful," he stated before rubbing your arms and leaving to get some coffee. You chuckled "It's just eggs and bacon, hon."

He rolled his eyes, "It's still good dammit..." He poured the coffee, adding no sweetener (ew), and sat down at the table. The bacon finally got done, and you turned it off, taking the eggs and bacon and setting them on the table for you both to grab however much you wanted. Aizawa took a few strips and some eggs, and started to eat.

You both sat in a comfortable silence, the only sounds that filled the air were the birds chirping happily outside, and the quiet moans coming from Aizawa, who seemingly enjoyed the food a whole lot. Once he was done he pat his stomach, "My God, I swear your cooking is like heaven."

You chuckled at his statement standing up as he did and put the dished in the sink, "You're just saying that..." He wrapped his arms around you once more and kissed you gently, "No... I'm not, you know I'm only one who is too blunt for his own good," You blushed. Yes, Aizawa might have been a man known to be closed off and like he said blunt, very blunt, but around you he seemingly opened up, just a bit. It wasn't really of his nature, and if you were honest he wasn't very touchy that often. You were okay with that, because even if he didn't do touchy-feely-mushy stuff, he showed his love in so many other ways. He helped around the house, protected you, he stood up for you when no one else would.

If you were completely honest, that was all you needed in your life. You needed a supporter, one who stood by your side, not someone to pat your ass like a child, but a man. You hugged him tightly and murmured into his chest. It seemed incoherent to him so he looked down and asked you what you said. You tilted your head up, your eyes shining as you stared into his bloodshot eyes, "I love you, Shota."

Hearing his first name, his heart skipped a beat. He smiled (as best he could, tho tbh his smile is like one of the best ones), a blush tinting his face slightly, he leaned forward and rest his forehead on yours as he whispered, "I love you too."

BNHA Oneshots (Bnha X Reader) (Bnha Ships)Where stories live. Discover now