Toshinori x reader

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WARNING: Spoilers for Season 3!!!

The day started out pretty normal, the sun shone through the clouds that were slightly broken up, and you were on your way to U.A. to get an interview with the principle. You breathed out shakily, feeling nervous, you might have slightly known Nedzu, but that didn't stop you from getting a little frazzled. He was a pretty intelligent ma-... er animal... person. Anyways, you finally stopped at the steps of the school.

Taking in a gulp of air, you gave yourself a pep talk, "It's okay, it's just Nedzu, though he is blunt, he is kind and he is blunt because people need to hear the truth! You're not gonna do horrible..." You walked up and in the building. It was huge outside, but once inside, it seemed massive! It felt like you were in a mall of sorts. You walked down the halls trying to look for a teacher, or hopefully even Nedzu himself. You had gone up about two or three levels trying to find the damn place, you sighed dejectively (that word isn't spelt right HHH)

Your shoulders slumped and walked back, suddenly you ran into a hard figure, you stepped back seeing coffee all over the person, "A-AH I'M SO SORRY!" You bowed quickly. The man tilted his head then waved his hands, "Don't worry! it's fine," He smiled seemingly embarrassed by his clumsiness. You stood at your full height looking up at him, "Hey... are you a teacher here?"

He jumped slightly then scratched the back of his neck, "You could say that, yes. Why?" He looked down at you,his cerulean eyes sparkling with curiousity, wisdom, and what seemed like a twinge of sadness. You brightened up, "Oh thank the gravy above my head!" He snickered at your statement, you blushed slightly, "I'm looking for Principle Nedzu!"

His eyes widened slightly, "Oh? Well if you need to see him I'll take you too him," you brightened even more, "REally?!" You bounced happily, he chuckled and nodded, "Really, here follow me," He waved for you to follow, and so you did. Now that you had the chance, you got a better look at  the guy, he had sunken eyes, a thin frame, and blonde wirey hair, in the standard ways of society they would call him "ugly", but if you were really honest, he wasn't too bad looking.

You two continued to walk until you reached the door, he turned to you, "Here you are!" You smiled, "Thank you so much-?" He smiled back, "Yagi, Yagi Tohsinori, and you are?" He stuck his hand out, you took his thin hand in yours "L/n F/n, it was nice meeting you Yagi-san! (idk if that is correct of not ><)" He waved as you stepped in "Nice meeting you too," and for a while it seemed like you two wouldn't see each other again (self-doubt and whatnot), but fate and Principle had other plans. He hired you, and even asked you to help All Might, now this was before his real form broke out to the world, so you didn't know that he was in fact All Might.

For a while you didn't see Toshinori, until one day, during the tournament, you saw him walking around, you went up to him and started to talk to him, and he didn't mind at all, in fact, he enjoyed it. After that day he went to see you almost everyday, in his skinny form. This was the first time he had felt at least a little bit confident in that form, it was shocking to say the least. One day while walking he asked, "Hey are you doing anything tomorrow?"

You thought about it and replied, "Nope!" He smiled and asked you out for coffee, and you obliged. The two of you became peas in a pod. then that day happened. His form was open to the world, and at first you were upset that he didn't tell you, but seeing his injuries made you realize, it was to protect you. You had forgiven him, and he with you. You two lived happily together two years after, his student who was inheriting his power, Izuku Midoriya, was now a Junior (Grade 11) in U.A., and was already starting to make a name for himself.

Now you two could be found sitting on the porch of your house watching the sun rise. Toshinori, getting up in his older age, sat down shakily beside you, He wrapped his arm around you, the gleam of his right hitting your face. You snuggled into him whispering, "I love you."

"I love you too," He'd reply and kiss your cheek, you two lived out the rest of your days full of love and peace.
"And trust me when I say, they loved each other very much."
"Daddy, how do you know?"
"Because i got to witness it."
"I wish I could have met Granma and papa."

Me too sweetie, they would have loved you

BNHA Oneshots (Bnha X Reader) (Bnha Ships)Where stories live. Discover now