Izuku x Reader

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It was the middle of the summer, you walked down the sidewalk, the sun beat down on you. You sighed 'Man, I hope I can make it on time... I don't want to be late for the interview...' You picked up the pace, looking down at your watch '2:38?! I've gotta be there by 2:50!' You kept walking until someone bumped into you, "Ah, Sorry!"

The person stopped and looked back at me, a sinister vibe rolling off of the tall man. You flinched looking into his eyes, his snarl turned into a smirk. Suddenly the man took you and shot into the air, he seemed to have guns, maybe as a quirk, from where it came from, you didn't know and, to be frank, you didn't care. Everyone in the area screamed looking over at the two of you. The man cackled "I WANT THE SYMBOL OF PEACE HERE! IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS ONE TO DIE YOU'LL SHOW YOUR FACE!!'

You started to hyperventilate, fear crawling up your spine. Tears started to bubble up in your eyes 'I'm not gonna make it... He's gonna kill me... Dammit this isn't the kind of day I wanted to have!!' You're thoughts went on and on until a voice called out, "You called for me?"

You opened your eyes and to see him, the Symbol of Peace! Everyone gasped and started to cheer, His smile gleaming, his stance was strong and showed his courage. You sobbed looking at his bright eyes, silently thanking whatever was watching over you, The man gripped onto you tighter, he slightly wavered not thinking this whole thing through.

He held the gun to your head, "So... Symbol of Peace," He spat, "You will come with me, in exchange for this person's life" He snickered at the end. He tilted his head, then shot towards him in a flash, the villain, somehow didn't realize this, as the hero grabbed ahold of you and held up his fist, he yelled, "Detroit SMASH!" The force knocked out the villain. The hero held you to his chest, you looked up at him, a blush tinting your face, his bright green eyes, turned down to you, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay, thank y-you..." You stuttered not believing that you actually met Deku. He smiled, "I'm glad you are, I'll get the villain to the police, and you just sit here for a second," As he said that the ambulance and police showed up, Deku handed over the villain to the police, The EMT's came over to you and asked you about how you felt, if you had pain, if you were hit. You said no, they checked just in case (cause that's what their job is), once they cleared you, Deku walked over to you.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? I know that there are times where people hide their emotions, if you need to talk, please do so," His words touched you, you started to cry as you ran to him with a hug. At first he was surprised, but he hugged back knowing you needed it. You whimpered into his chest, "Thank you, thank you..." He hushed you, "It's alright... Why?"

You looked up at him the tears slowing down a bit. He smiled gently, quoting his teacher, "Because I am here."

The artwork at the top is my own artwork ^^ that's kind of how I imagine Adult Deku looking like, it's a tad inspired from All Might, but still kind of going off of the design of his suit in the series. Hope you all enjoyed this!

BNHA Oneshots (Bnha X Reader) (Bnha Ships)Where stories live. Discover now