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"Oh come on!" Sabre facepalmed in frustration. Beside him stood Prism Steve, who had just carried Athena under a tree to rest, lying unconscious again. "Does she always do that?" He questioned him huffily. The pastel Steve shook his head in response. "Let's give her some time, she'll wake up soon enough." He added, glancing at the loner.
Sabre sighed and leaned against the tree bark on the opposite side and crossed his arms. "We'll be delaying the plan if she doesn't wake up. Yet we were almost there to mega clone when she suddenly just passed out for no reason!" He muttered in rage, trying not to let his anger take control of him, he could see Prism Steve gazing at him worryingly. And his concentration quickly turned to Athena after hearing coughs coming from behind him. "Wh-what... happened?" He could hear her question. Since he felt crossed at her, he couldn't find the urge to talk to her.
   As he was looking at her direction, Prism Steve had helped her up. "You passed out, that's all. Here, we have a mega clone to generate." Sabre gazed downwards, then shook his head, pushing everything aside. He padded towards the machine where Prism Steve had helped her inside one of the input chambers, her feet seemed to be asleep and her expression told him how weak she was. He walked towards them as Prism Steve closed the contraption and nodded to Sabre. His pastel patched coat disappeared after Sabre enclosed him inside another chamber as well. "Let's go and save that horse..." he walked inside his chamber, which a lever was placed inside for him to operate. "We're ready..."
"1... go!"
He flicked the switch and waited for multiple lightning to hit the antennas, causing the mega clone to be produced. He could feel his head dizzy, but that's not going to stop him from rescuing his best friends. Soon, the lightning stopped. After ensuring everything worked smoothly, he closed the switch and broke the glass in front of him to free himself. Then, rushed off to free Prism Steve out of his contraption next to his. Prism Steve acknowledged Sabre with a nod and rushed to help Athena. Sabre dashed to the three output chambers, which were encased in glass so he could see what's inside. He wasn't sure if it worked properly, remembering the time he had summoned Shadow Sabre to help, but he ended up attacking him. "We've come all this way... there's no going back, and we have to finish what we've started..." he told himself as he stepped onto the platform where the mega clones stood. His ears twitched as uneven series of footsteps gradually get nearer and nearer, revealing Athena staggering towards him, holding one of her swords as support with Prism Steve behind her. Her eyes fixed on the ground.
Sabre's gaze swept past both of them and onto the nearest chamber, where Prism Steve's mega clone stood. Quickly, he broke the top part of the glass to take a better look. The clone opened his eyes, his expression blank. Without saying a word, Sabre broke the bottom part of the glass to free him, he stepped back to give him room to explore. The clone padded out, looking around curiously, then stared at himself. His curious gaze roamed across Sabre, then Athena, then at Prism Steve. Prism Steve didn't show a hint of surprise while meeting his newly spawned clone. He walked up to him, "welcome, Crystal Steve." He spoke as Crystal Steve stared at them again, then back at him. His eyes were clouded with a swirl of confusion as well as unfamiliarity. Sabre, ignoring the mega clones' first time experiences, went to the next chamber and freed his clone. Then, he padded off to the furthest glass contraption and helped Athena's clone out. Soon enough, all six teammates gathered at the platform to familiarise one another. "Why is she also..." Crystal Steve questioned and paused, pointing at her clone all stiffened up and fragile. Sabre gazed at Athena, who was feeling much better.
"She was weak when her mega clone spawned, so her clone could be weak too, but for only a while. She'll be fine." Sabre left the clone beside him, who looked less scared, then padded off to join his real travel companions. "We each would have to train our mega clones so they could help us. Could you handle this?" He turned to Athena, she seemed recovered from the power drain. But he knew she wouldn't give up that easily, and her nod proved that he was right. "Alright, we only have three days to teach them PVP skills, and Prism Steve," he added, "Crystal Steve needs your help to learn all about his Steve powers." Prism Steve gave a mild smile and dipped his head in acknowledgement. He turned back to the clones and spoke, "There's no more time to waste. Each of you would need to train with us to defeat Nightmare Steve, starting now!"

Steve Saga - Dawn of the Steves [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now