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Lucas jerked up as he found himself in a cube made of magma blocks and obsidian. His sight clouded from his sleep, as he could make out the shapes of glass and hoppers, some redstone repeaters were scattered around... Lucas's eyes widened with horror.
He was inside a machine!
Lucas immediately tried to break free from his contraptions, apparently the machine wasn't activated, but unfortunately, the place was cursed so he couldn't break anything around the machine. Dang it! He muttered, how did I drag myself into this mess?
He decided to think of another plan, as his gaze searched for his Steve friends. His expression softened as he found both of them inside a barred cage outside of the machine, dozing off. However, his relief turned into panic at the thought of Nightmare Steve's wicked plan. Why did he want to capture them? Lucas tensed at the fact Nightmare Steve caught him making through the barrier without a problem, was he going to take away the power?
Lucas quickly held on the iron door in front of him where he was locked inside, he prayed that they would wake up sooner so they could think of a plan to escape together, but they seemed as they had passed out, leaving him with nothing but concern. Where did they go?
A loud bash distracted him from his thoughts as he ducked from the window at the sight of the familiar black stained pelt of Nightmare Steve. He had arrived at the spot, and Lucas was pretty sure he had seen both Steves dozing off in front of him. So much for an escape plan... he mumbled to himself.
Pretending to be unconscious in his contraption, he stayed still and pricked his senses to sneak on what Nightmare Steve was really planning to do. Another bang appeared from the iron bars at the direction of his Steve friends, followed by stirring of Light Steve and Silver Steve.
"You're lucky, Light Steve," Nightmare Steve's voice sounded, "in fact, I believe we're both lucky."
Lucas flinched at his words, Nightmare Steve's voice sounded exactly like Rainbow Steve's! What did he want to do to them? He desperately tried to break out of his small chamber, but only to realise the curse was still here. Another voice replied whom he had never heard before.
"Nightmare Steve, you've outdone yourself..."
"Well thanks for the compliment, but I'm not here for that. You know what I actually aimed for, right?" He responded calmly.
Lucas could not see who was speaking with their worst enemy. Were they friends somehow? But no matter how much he wanted to open his eyes and risk his life to save all of them and stop Nightmare Steve from whatever he was planning, he had to stay where he was. "The chance will come... be patient..." he told himself.
"Well tsk tsk tsk... seems like you're pesky little friend's running out of time... some time later I would have all his powers to get rid of all Rainbow Power source." His sinister voice continued.
"What? You said I won't get away with this?" Nightmare Steve snorted from laughter, "Oh Light Steve, you didn't even want to wonder why you are found this easily. Pretty dang stubborn I suppose, is that right Silver Steve?" Lucas could feel the sense of shock and regret from Light Steve, who glared at his mega clone with disappointment.
"I think your player friend didn't even have a clue in the first place. Join me, Light Steve, or Lucas dies." Lucas's heart pounced wildly, was Nightmare Steve blackmailing Light Steve to side with him just like what he did to Silver Steve? Lucas bit his tongue bitterly, half hoping Light Steve would pick not siding with the evil being, he would just risk his escape, if that's what he should do to prevent darkness from flourishing again.
But another glance met his, Light Steve's concerned grey glare. He obviously didn't seem wanting to hurt Lucas in any ways, which made him swallow, Lucas wanted to just shout out loud to prevent Light Steve from making his biggest mistake.
Light Steve nodded sadly and stretched his hand towards Nightmare Steve, his eyes filled with painful tears.
He stared at them in worry and distress. "No!" Lucas yelled in agony. He struggled to push the iron bars apart despite his limited strength and head-butt into the evil Steve, only to see them distracted by him, including the evil Steve's red hostile expression.
"I see you've woken up," he began, his smile still stretched. "Perfect timing to watch me absorb both Light and Silver Steve..." as a click sounded beside him, the machine was turned on!
Lucas shook, and he saw shock on their faces too. Nightmare Steve had them tricked once again, despite their sacrifices! Struggling to get up, he pushed his pain and power drain with the anger blazing inside him. How dare he? He seemed to question, how dare Silver Steve defected to Nightmare Steve and betrayed us? How dare he?
"Steves... they're powerless without a leader..." Nightmare Steve's sigh filled his head. Lucas tried to focus on standing up, but the voice still lingered clearly through his mind. "That's why I'm here... to help them find themselves... to lead them towards their purposes..."
"Stop lying to me, Nightmare Steve!" Lucas snapped, "it won't work!" He was halfway from standing straight, his knees half-bent and his eyes closed to prevent visual distraction. He clutched on the inner walls of his machine contraption, just in case he fell back down. He didn't even bother to care if Nightmare Steve would try anything to hurt him, if only he could buy Light and Silver Steve some time to escape as Nightmare Steve was so focused on himself. He needed to become a distraction.
Lucas hurried and banged the piston walls, sending shivers from the machine counterparts. He immediately felt his limbs being pulled back to himself. He struggled but finally managed to pull out a pickaxe and broke the contraption with a small tinkle by it hitting blindly on the redstone connection. Lucas opened his eyes, relieved that the pain from the power drain stopped. Breaking out from the contraption, he hastily disconnected the cage where the white-pelted Steves were held captive. "Go! Now!" Yelled Lucas, as he watched his Steve friends breaking out quickly, followed by glancing at Nightmare Steve, who was staring anxiously from left to right.
"Horse dung!" The Steve seemed to mutter. Though he raised his white-tainted arm for lightning summoning, Lucas successfully dodged the strikes and hid in a small trench in the ground. Nightmare Steve ascended, aiming a firecharge directly at the trench when catching a glimpse at him. "This is what you get, filthy Player!" He thundered irately.
Alarmed, Lucas rose to his feet and flung the blazing ball of fire away using his pickaxe. It exploded a few seconds later, glowing with light so strong that blinded him. Just after he came to his senses, an incoming gold sword sliced through the light rays, aiming for him. Lucas knew it was too late, as he squeezed his eyes shut and braced for a stab, he realized his red cap floated slowly to the ground.
Cold breeze swept past him, was it really the end? Lucas couldn't tell.
"Don't worry, I've got you!" A sharp voice awoke him. He opened them to see a white figure, half yellow-tinted, half blue-tinted, encountering with the Quartz Sword.
"Light Silver Steve!"

Steve Saga - Dawn of the Steves [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now