Chapter 10

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*Kenzies POV*

The next day me and Riley woke up around 10 o'clock. Our meeting time was at 4 so we went down to get breakfast when we saw Riley's mom checking into the hotel but not her dad. Riley had a worried look in her face. We went over to her mom and asked where her dad was. "Riley," she said your dad got into a terrible accident last night and he's in the hospital. I tried to stay with him but he wanted me to go."

I could see the tears in Riley's eyes. "What? where is he at?"

"The hospital"

"Is he gonna be alright?"

"Yes he broke his leg and arm and he has a really bad concussion. Don't worry he'll be alright."

"Alright so me and Riley are going to go eat some breakfast and let you check in. See you later!" I piped in.

"Ok bye girls!"

*at breakfast

"You ok" I asked Riley

"Yeah I guess, I'm just in shock."

"About what?"

"My mom didn't text me when it happened. There has to be something else. Like sure, he's in a terrible car accident and only gets that hurt? there's something else going on here"

"Ok well, we'll figure that out later, we need to focus on today."

"You're right I need to get my mind off of this"

We finished breakfast and went back up to the hotel room and invited some of the other girls from our team over. They were all in nike pros and stuff and so were me and Riley, Classic cheer stuff.

We all talked for an hour or so then we all had to go get ready for the competition. I got out all of my supplies and stuff and got ready. First I put on my uniform so when it wouldn't mess anything up. Then I did my hair. It was big and fierce, PERFECT I thought.

Them it was time for my makeup. I finished it and boy did I look sassy! it was the perfect look for my last time competing at Top Gun.

I finished getting ready and went to go get Riley who was at her moms room talking about what happened to her dad. Riley opened up the door and she was all ready to go so we went down to the convention center for the competition. We found our team and went to the practice mats. After we finished with our mini practice, we went into warmups.

Our warmups went the same as yesterday but we had a couple falls. One in first stunt and two in pyramid. Then we had to warm up our tumbling. I went for my tumbling pass, which was round off backhand spring arabian, roundoff backhand spring whip whip kick double. It was a really hard pass but it was really fun at the same time.

After everyone warmup tumbling we warmup up jumps. Our jumps sequence was toe touch, right hurdler, pike, left hurdler, toe touch, and then either a standing full or a standing tuck out of it. I did it but when I landed, I twisted my ankle. It hurt SOOO bad. I fell onto the floor in pain. My coach ran over to me picked me up and ran me to the closest medic.


Hey guys!! Sorry for the short-ish chapter!! I hope your enjoying the story!!! 😄

Can you all do me a favor and possibly read my friends @shaye_shaye_14, @magpie523, @elizabeth_anne2001, and @jmparker stories!! I know it's kinda a lot but it would mean the world to me and them! If you can that would be great but if you can't, no big deal!!😌

On another hand, THANK YOU FOR 424 READS!!!!😱 I'm so thankful for all of you! Thanks again!!

Mackenzie, out✌️

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