A loaded .45

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You woke up and you packed some food and water. You brought $4.02 just in case. " Mom, I am going to sleepover at my friends house, and we are going to go to the drag races tomorrow" you said. " Ok, But who is this friend of yours" your mom said. " Teddy" you said. " Our neighbor?" your mom said. 'Teddy is our neighbor?!' you thought. " Yes" you said. " Ok, be back for dinner" your mom said. You walk out and started walking to the treehouse. " Hey y/n, wait for me" someone said. You turn around. It was Chris. " Hey Chris" you said. " You want to see something cool?" said Chris. "Sure" you said. We ran behind a restaurant. Chris pulled out a gun. " Do you want to be the lone ranger, or the Cisco kid?" Chris said. " Walkin' talkin' Jesus" you said. "is it loaded?" you said. "Hell no, what do you think I am" said Chris. You reload the gun, and you pull the trigger and you shot a trash can. " Jesus!" you both said, and ran. You and chris ran and bumped into Gordie. We all fell. "You ok?" said Gordie. " Yeah, I think " you said. You stand up and help Chris and Gordie. You saw Ace and Eyeball walk by and take Gordies hat. " Hey, my brother gave my that" said Gordie, trying to get the hat back. " Now your giving it to me" said Ace, Grinning. " Your a real Asshole,you know that?" said Chris. " Your bother not being very polite,Eyeball" said Ace. "Now Christopher, I know you didn't insult my friend" said Eyeball. " Take it back" said Ace. You ran in front of Chris and said " Touch him, you'll get hurt". " Yeah right" said Ace. Ace reached his hand out. You kick his hand. " You little brat" yelled Ace Attacking you. You block him and you kick him in the stomach. Eyeball Punched you in the stomach. You fell to the ground and hit your knee. Chris got mad. Chris kicked Eyeball in the face. "You never ever hit a girl!" yelled Chris. Eyeball and Ace ran away. " Are you ok?" said Chris. " Yeah, Thanks" you said, kissing Chris on the cheek. "Here, get on my back" said Chris. You got on his back. you guys walked to the treehouse. " What happened to y/n?!" said Teddy. Teddy ran to you. Chris put you on the ground. Teddy went through his backpack. He found bandages. He wrapped it around your leg. "Thanks" you said. "No problem" said Teddy. Teddy helps you get up. Your leg starts to shake. " Are you sure you can walk?" asked Teddy. " Yeah, I can walk" you said. " Let's go" you said.

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