Just Plance 11

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"What?!" Matt yelled, as he stood up. Shiro glared at Lance, "You-" he exclaim, as Keith elbowed Pidge, "oh no.." he whispered. The Holt boio walked towards Lance, as Pidge looked at Matt. "Did you say that you sacrificed your love for Allura?" He mumbled. Lance glanced at Pidge, as she sighed, "Please DONT-"

"So you are sacrificing your love for Lance to Allura?!" Matt grunt, as Keith looked at Lance. He was dumbfounded. "Yes, from my view." Lance looked down. Matt looked at Pidge, who was shocked. "Let's discuss this in privacy." Lance tried to convince Matt. The protective brother grunt, "After this dinner." As he walked to Olia. The wolf patted Matt, "Don't be angry. Lance does love Pidge back." She smoothes.

Shiro pfted a bit. "Ah."
Keith glanced at Lance and Pidge. "So you made this plan, Lance, to-" as Lance cut in, "To have fun." He blushed.

"No, I MEANT you wanted to be with Pidge." Keith ended and stood up. "I'm letting Shiro pay-" as he shook his head, "I'm not paying, boi."
"Okay-" He sighed and paid the meal.

-After they paid the meal-

Keith sighed, "Let's go." As he walked. Shiro yelled, "Don't forget about the festival tommorow!"

The Paladins went home, but Pidge stayed there. Lance said, "Pidge-"
"Lance. What you SAID earlier.. I was jealous. I then thought she was good for you.. but.." Pidge trailed off, as Lance stopped her. Grabbing her arms, "I'm sorry that I was blind."
Lance sighed.
Pidge looked at him, "It's ok-" as Lance hugged her. Pidge expected more, but hugged back.

Matt saw them hugging, as Olia smiled. "I think I just realized." He said. "Yes." Olia laughed.

Pidge smiled, "Will you go to the festival tommorow? I'm going!"
"Of course!" Lance laughed. Rivanzi drove up, and yelled, "You lovers, stop talking and kiss!"

Pidge yelled, "Rivanzi!"
Lance blushed, laughing. "Let's go now! See you tomorrow." As he walked into his truck.
Pidge ran to Rivanzi and yelled, "You idiot!"
"He loves you too!" Rivanzi teased by blowing kisses, acting like Lance.
"Sometimes I want to murder you-" She grunted.

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