Just Plance 13

65 9 3

Pidge and Hunk was enjoying the sky, as Lance curled in the middle. She noticed first and asked, "What's wrong?"
"It's so high.." He shivered.
"C'mon?! You was once trapped in space!" Pidge rolled her eyes. "I thought you was smart. Gravity exists.." Lance sighed. "Oh, I'm sorry." Pidge put her arms around Lance. The Cuban blushed slightly, "Also.. you know this is the perfect time."
"For what?" Pidge cocked her head. Hunk noticed, and disturb them, "I'm going off the ride after one circle. Can you guys stay here?"
"Okay." Pidge nodded, before turning to Lance.
After Hunk got off, Lance hugged Pidge. Lance teared up, "My heart was broken after Allura died. I needed something to love till we die together.."
Pidge was taken back, "Wait, you actually loves me-" as the Cuban cut her off by kissing her cheeks. "Didn't you notice? I created the plan to gather.. to fill my broken heart. Allura broke my heart million of times. I know you will fill my heart, not break it."

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