Leave me now

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Let me go

Is it hard to do?

Let me go baby please

Focus on you

Every touch

Every taste

This love we have here

Is going to waste

You say love

Like it's just a phrase

But listen kid

I'm not just a phase

You come and then you leave

I'm stuck here waiting

laying in the room

Tired of the hesitating

When we are together

The world is in on fire

Being apart

Only stokes the desire

Your face is set in stone now

Yet those words still fall from your lips

Just say you love me

Grab me by the hips

Drown my hesitation

With a look in my eye

Forget my flaws

Focus on the sigh

I know as soon as you go

Anothers arms will be there

It's always on my mind,

How you love without a care.

I try to leave you

I know it's wrong

But the way you look at me

Is just as a song

You fill my thoughts

As I try to run away

From you and this madness

Yet I want to stay

Whats good for me

I no longer know

Just wrap your arms around me

Lets dance in the snow

Our lives are shattering

The pain is always there

When you come around

I lay myself bare

My soul is at your feet

My heart is yours to take

But I need you to leave me now

This bond between us did not make

The love is there

The desire right behind

Yet you cannot choose

Baby please make up your mind

I cannot leave you

So please go away

You whisper her name in your dreams

I want you to stay

A drug is what you are

My addiction is deadly

Our hearts are one in one

They make a perfect medley

Love is not the same as lust

Dont make me cry anymore

Just leave now,

Don't look back as you close the door.

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