the beginning

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The first day I ever met, you was because you were my boyfriends friend, partner in crime, drinking buddies the list could go on, we got along great. Till one night I couldn't help myself but kept asking the whereabouts of my boyfriend Paul. Which obviously annoyed him that I only messaged for that reason, we spoke about he's EX a lot, and for that he would list many reasons to why they broke up, as visiting my hostel that I was staying in with many other moms. He became extremely interested in one which I used to tease him about, just didn't realise she was just used him for personal gain, and she didn't want him, he suddenly got angry and me, Damien became to be rude and very hostlal towards me , I kept seeing him in the street I would smile and greet just as I did any of my boyfriends friends.  Me and Paul decided to go out. I'm well excited hadn't been out in awhile...  oh to my surprise  Damien,'s  house we going he said he meet me there I get on a train  and make my way as I approach this house full of friends and guest. I was rudely reminded that I was only welcome I'd Paul was there, which he wasn't as he got drunk and fucked of home. Which meant I was stuck on a night out in a place I wasn't invited to be... lucky two mutal friends let me stay at there's in Eastbourne I believe. The next day I confront the Paul and he allogise..

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