come on!

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After long thought I decided to give up even know my heart didn't want to and my best friend didn't like him very much either and some others also didn't understand why I did all them things. I was started to wonder why myself. Till  I got a call I was too happy I didn't aruge. And we talked for hours till the end part which I had to ask again he said I love you. I had been dying to hear those words. And i went to bed thinking about it, it kept me awake wodering dud he mean it was he drunk. I didn't know, the next few days I kept asking as it was like a tickle cough just annoying me nor knowing but he didn't want to talk about it so I decided enough was enough... I couldn't take I wanted him so badly and each time I got closer something pushed us further away so I started going to Dover with a friend obviously this friend was intrested in me. And it was coming up to another birthday for me..  there a message only this time I'm not even near him I'm 2 hours away. Asks if I want to come over he got some keg thing I explained I had Emma and couldn't but he wished me a happy birthday so I went home and did what thus stupid girl does best I messaged him and told him I couldn't wait for ever and a guy is trying to woe me, he said okay he wanted to be happy and wanted to see me sober , he said I'll walk to wherever I thought this is it he's finally doing something I got there for once I was late.. he brought his dog bloody love that furball. He looked tired. And in pain. So we walked I gave the dogs some treats we watched recap rap video and went to serious stuff he said he can't do it but will soon and I said okay well remember what's waiting for you and I kissed him enough that he messaged me telling me he couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't believe he was thinking of me  even if it was physical action.. but he spoiled as he said my dress was unflattering and i shoild wore jeans and we got i to an arugment but in the heat of aruging he said im falling in love with you my heart sunk .went back to Dover where arguments and heat and stuck.. couldn't wait for it to be Sunday... to go home and see my message to no new message

grief is my friend.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें