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The next morning, I got up early.  I took a shower and ate breakfast, then went to the main room, where the rest of the members were gathering.  We were going to decide who got which room, then move; after that we would have dance practice.

          As soon as I walked in, I looked for Suga.  He was sitting on the couch, looking utterly exhausted.  I went over and sat next to him.  He looked up sharply, then snuggled back down when he realized it was me.  I put my arm over his shoulder.

          W were just waiting for Jin.  Everyone else was already here. 

          "How are we going to decide who goes where?" Jungkook asked.  He was so much more awake than any of the rest of us.  He seemed excited.

          "there are sheets of paper with numbers on them," RM answered.  "We'll choose one, then we'll pair up according to the numbers.  Each number corresponds to a room."

          Oh.  So it was purely chance.  I wondered, again, why we were switching rooms.  Maybe one of the pairs had had an argument and asked to change?  That's the only thing I could think of.

          Everything was quiet for a few minutes.

          "What the hell is taking Jin so long?" Suga grumbled.  "I just wanna get this over with."

          "I don't know.  Isn't he your roommate?" V asked.

          "He wasn't there when I got up.  I have no idea where he is," he replied.

          We waited a few minutes more.  Finally, Suga spoke up again.

          "I'm tired of waiting for him.  Let's just pick and he'll get whatever one is left."

          "All right," Jungkook said.  He grabbed the slips of paper and handed them out to everybody.

          "Before we open them, does anyone want to switch?" Jungkook asked.

          "No," Namjoon said.  "Let's just keep them.  All right.  One, two, three!"

          We opened them.  Mine said 1.  I looked over at Suga's and my face fell.  His said 4.

          "I have 1!  Who else has 1?" V's voice rang in my ears.

          "I do," I said, a bit quietly.

          "Ayyyy!!!" he said, going over to sit next to me.  Suga remained silent.

          Jungkook and J-Hope got the same room, as did Jin and RM.  Suga had a room to himself.

           I was a bit disappointed, but at the same time, I was relieved.  Yeah, Yoongi and I had kissed, but I don't think we were at the point where we wanted to share a room.  We were still figuring everything out.  For goodness' sake, it hadn't even been a day!

          At the same time, I was sharing a room with V.  And we both knew about the other's relationship.  So at least I didn't have to pretend around him.

          I got up to begin bringing my stuff to the first room.  As I opened the door, Jin almost barreled right into me.

          "Where have you been?" J-Hope asked.

          "Well, I forgot why we had to get up early in the first place," he said breathlessly.  "So I decided that since I was already up I would go for a walk."  He started laughing, and it was infectious.  I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up straight.  I leaned against the wall, shaking.

          "You went for a walk?!" Suga asked incredulously.  He was the only one of us not laughing, but he still had a smile on his face.

          "Well, yeah!"

          "Hey, give him some slack.  You know he's getting older," RM said, snickering behind his hand.

          Jin slapped him playfully.  "I am not!  Stop it!"

          My legs buckled, and I curled up on the floor, laughing so hard it hurt.  Suga was laughing now, as well.  It was too early.  Our minds weren't functioning properly.

          It took a while, but finally we quieted down.

          "Anyways, we all picked our rooms.  You're in 3, with Namjoon," V said.

          "Okay.  I'll start moving my stuff," Jin replied.  Everyone began to move towards the door.  I did too, until Suga grabbed my hand.  I turned to look at him with a smile on my face, but it fled as I registered how panicked Yoongi looked.

          "What's the matter?" I said, worried.

           "I'm going to be alone," he said.

          " ... yes ... " I prompted.

          "I don't know if I can handle that."  He looked thoroughly frightened.

          I took his head in my hands.  "You'll be fine.  And if you aren't, you can always count on me."  Then I kissed his forehead, smiled, and walked out of the room, pulling him by his hand.

          He still seemed a bit shaky, but it seemed like my words had gotten through to him.  I hoped so.

          Why would he be scared of sleeping alone?  Maybe he had gotten used to sharing a room with someone?  But why would he be scared?  Maybe I could ask him later.  Now wasn't the time, and I had stuff to do.

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