We have to talk

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Rachel's p.o.v.
"Now as I'm standing here I feel more broken than I've ever been. I never thought a person could make me feel like this. I loved you more than life. Now that life is gone." He bitterly says but in tears.

I stand there tearing up seeing him like this and not knowing what to do. I can't believe how much pain I just caused with my words. I didn't even mean anything. Why do I always do this?!

{2weeks later}
Rachel's p.o.v.
How is it even possible to miss someone so much? So much to the point where you literally can't function. It's only been like two weeks since I completely ruined my relationship and I already miss Finn so much that I can barley think. I never thought I could love some one so much. I can't live without him. I just don't know what to do or how to make up for everything I did.

I hear a knock on my door. I get up and open it to see Quinn standing in front of me on her phone.

"Hey Rach! Ready to go to the-" She says slowly looking up at me with my messy hair , no makeup, sweatshirt, leggings, and sneakers on.

"Woah what happened to you?! And what are you even wearing?" She says looking at me surprised since I'm always dressed up.

"I don't know. I found this sweatshirt on my floor when I slipped on it going into my bathroom and the leggings I was already wearing for a couple days now." I say sluggishly grabbing my jacket then putting my hood and sun glasses on.

"O-Ok then." She says confused. "Well shall we get going?" She says gesturing me out the door as my body guards follow behind me.

Right when I walk out of the apartment complex all I see is flashing lights, cameras, and microphones in my face from all sides.

"Rachel how's your love life?"

"Rachel where is your lover Finn Hudson?"

"I heard you two are having troubles, is that true?"

"Yes I heard that too. Can you confirm this for us Rachel?"

They start swarming me with questions. Right when they start bringing Finn up I get angry. How do they manage to find out everything about my personal life?! They have no right.
"No comment." I say blankly and continue walking through the huge group of people crowding around me.

"So Finchel is over then?"

"Rachel what are you gonna do from now on?"

"Did you two really breakup?"

"What do you guys not understand about the words no comment!!" I say forcefully pushing my way past them.

"There's a couple sources confirming their break up. What do you have to say Rachel?"

They all continue questioning again jumping in front of me with their cameras.

"I said no comment! Now get the hell out of my way immediately!!" I shout and put my hand over their camera lenses and pushing them out of the way. I get to the car and hop in as fast as I could. I lean my head up against the window. I have no idea what just came over me. After a couple seconds Quinn hops into the car.

"Ok now what the hell was that? You've never gotten like that with paparazzi before." She says out of breath.

"I don't know. I just got upset." I say not looking up at her.

"I think it was a little more than that. I know paparazzi are a pain in the ass but you can't be doing that. There's already like hundreds of articles about what you just did." She says scrolling through all the headlines on her phone.

"I could care less about that!" I say. She jumps and looks up confused at my sudden outburst. "Don't you get it Quinn!? Nothing in the world matters when he's not with me! I haven't been able to sleep for weeks cause I miss him so much. I'm such a screw up! I can't do anything right. I constantly kept ruining our relationship and now I probably did it for good. I can't think, work, or even talk about him. We haven't talked or seen each other in over two weeks. And I don't even know if we're broken up?! So how am I supposed to keep myself together when I take one damn step out of my home and get bombarded with all these people asking if we're not together anymore?!" I vent tearing up.

She looks at me for a second not knowing what to say.

"You need to talk to him." She says.

"How?! He probably hates me." I say starting to cry even more.

"There's no possible way he could hate you Rachel. Not even if he tried. You guys need to sort everything out then see what the next step for you two is." She says looking at me sincerely. I look down and nod.

We eventually get to the theater, I get out, then try my best to get through the show.

Finn's p.o.v.
I miss her. I miss her so damn much. I honestly have no clue how I've gone this long without talking to her. I guess I'm just so hurt. No not hurt. I'm heartbroken. How could she be faking this whole time? She never really loved me. It was all a lie. So why is it so hard for me not to love her? It's almost impossible for me not to. I love her so much. She was everything to me.

"Dude you gotta see this." Sam says rushing into my office looking at something on his iPad.

"What is it?" I say yawning. He hands me the iPad and I see a headline with Rachel. I read the title.

"Mega broadway star Rachel Berry blows up and hits paparazzi's camera."

"Wait what? Really? Yeah Rachel would never. People make up the dumbest shit." I say rolling my eyes and handing the iPad back to Sam.

"No dude. Just watch the video. You have to." He says shoving it back into my hands. I groan.

"Fine." I reply then press play.

All I see is Rachel trying to get through this huge crowd of people and paparazzi as they're continuously asking her questions about us. This is so infuriating. Why can't people just leave her alone?!

"No comment." She says looking annoyed still trying to get through the crowd. But yet again they shove their cameras and microphones in her face asking the same freaking questions as before.

"What do you guys not understand about the words no comment!!" She says pushing past them as they keep jumping in front of her and blocking her way. I swear to god if I were there I would of knocked them all down to the ground.

"I said no comment!! Now get the hell out of my way immediately!!!" She shouts then puts her hand over the cameras and pushes them out of her way then all you see is her getting into her suv and slamming the door. Ok I guess no one made that up. I hand it back to Sam without saying anything.

"So um..." He says awkwardly.

"I don't even know what to say. I'm upset, angry, hurt. But yet again I can't help but still fall more in love with her every time I see her! Even through a screen as she's yelling and shoving people. Like what the hell is wrong with me?! And I can't help but feel horrible for her cause of how hurt she looks. When she is the one who hurt me first!" I say frustratedly putting my head in my hands. Sam sighs then comes over to me.

"Just talk to her man. What can it hurt? You will be in more pain not figuring out what happened with you two. If you sort it out then you guys can focus on what your future is like and what you two mean now." He says and I know he's right.

I have to talk to her.

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