Chapter 2

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Jin stood there smiling as Taehyung was still behind him scared of Jungkook. Jungkook saw how scared he was and approached him. "You don't have to be scared,I'm not going to hurt you...I promise." He said as he held out his hand. Taehyung looked at and then at Jin. Jin nodded and Taehyung took Jungkook's hand. Jungkook led him from behind Jin to next to him. "Hi,I am Jungkook but my friends call me Kookie." Taehyung shook his and and said "Hi,I am Taehyung but you can call me Tae,Taetae,or Taehyung." Jin looked at Taehyung wide eyed for a second then said " Wow Jungkook he never lets anyone but me call him Tae or Taetae, he must REALLY like you." At that Taehyung elbowed Jin in the ribs then looked back at Jungkook. Taehyung spoke after a few minutes too long of staring at Jungkook. He said " Oh,you can also call me V if you like. By the way can I ask you a question?" Jungkook looked at him confused and said "Ya,anything." Taehyung smiled and then whispered in his ear "Is Jin and that Namjoon" Jungkook looked shocked at what Taehyung just said. Jin noticed and took him to the kitchen. He then asked Jungkook "What did Tae say?" Jungkook looked at him and said " He asked if you and Namjoon were gay..." Jin laughed and then asked Taehyung to come into the kitchen. "Hey Tae did you ask Kookie if me and Namjoon were gay?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook and if looks can kill Jungkook would be dead. "You told him?" Jin then laughed again Taehyung and Jungkook stood there watching him in pure confusion. Namjoon came and then Jin stoped laughing. Jin then broke the silence by saying " You wanna know if we are gay? Fine we will show if we are." Jin kissed Namjoon and Namjoon was shocked at first but then kissed back. Taehyung smiled and when they were done kissing said " Jinnie and Kookie I need to tell you something..." Jin and Jungkook looked at each other then asked "What is it?" in unison. Taehyung looked straight at Jungkook as he said "I am also..." Jungkook saw how hesitant he was and walked right in front of him and said " You can tell us. Were you about to say you are also gay?" Taehyung looked up and then back at the ground and nodded. Jungkook chuckled and then said "Jin,Namjoon,and Tae baby I am also gay but my mom doesn't know yet." Jin looked at Jungkook and without thinking said "What did you just call my little brother?" He wasn't angry Jungkook knew this because he was smiling as he said it. Jungkook looked straight into Taehyung' stews as he said the nickname again "Tae baby" Just as he said it his mom came in. "Why are you calling him that. You're not gay. You can't be gay you're my son." Jin looked at her then at Jungkook. He stepped in front of her and said "Why can't he be gay? Are you a homophone?" She looked at him and said "Yes,yes I am." He then laughed and called his dad into the kitchen. He asked his dad " How can you marry someone who is homophobic and have two gay son at the same time?" She looked at him and said "You are gay and so is he? No get out of my house NOW!" Jungkook stepped in front of Jin and said calmly "If they leave I will have to as well." She stared at him and asked simply "Why you're not gay so you don't have to leave." He chuckled and asked "How many gays do you see in this room mom?" She looked at him and said "Three" At this He bursted our laughing. "Mom,I think you need to get your eyes checked because I see four gays in this room." She looked at Mr.Kim and said "Are you marrying me so your family doesn't find out your gay?" He stood there shocked and then he was saved by Jungkook who screamed "NO HE ISN'T MOM! HE ISN'T THE OTHER GAY PERSON IN THIS ROOM I AM! THAT's RIGHT MOM I AM GAY!"

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