Chapter 2

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Age 19

YN woke up and went down stairs to start eating.

Trunks "Hey bro can you train with me?"

YN "Sure let me eat first."

Trunks "ok."

Bulma "No you can't YN."

YN "But mom why not?"

Bulma "You have that entrance exam today."

YN "Damn I forgot about that. Sorry maybe next time."

Trunks "Alright."

Now everyone might be wondering why I have to take an entrance exam well its for me getting into a school of my choice and the best thing is that it's a tournament that we have to fight in to see where we are going.

YN "That reminds me doesn't trunks have to do it as well?"

Bulma "Now that you mention it yeah, he does."

Trunks "So can I-

Bulma "Yes you are allowed to use your sword."

Trunks "Ok."

Dad (Vegeta) comes down and says to everyone.

Vegeta "I'm going to be in the gravity chamber for a while."

Bulma "Are you coming to the tournament to watch your sons compete in it?"

Vegeta "Of course."

Bulma "That's strange of you to say that you usually scoff and walk away."

Vegeta "I want to see how their training has paid off and if they have been slacking."

I was about to finish eating when my mom said.

Bulma "By the way YN th tournament starts in 5 minutes."

I stopped eating and swallowed my food and said.

YN "Damn you woman why didn't you tell me what time it was?"

I placed my food in the fridge and left.

No ones Pov

Bulma is still shocked at what YN said and Vegeta looks on and smiles then says

Vegeta "That's my boy."

YN's Pov

I flew to the tournament grounds and stated my name and told them that I was here to compete.

Announcer "Alright just sit in the back and we'll call you up when its time for you to fight."

YN "Alright."

I head to the back and I'm sitting down where I am awaiting my time to fight. Just then someone approaches me and says.

??? "Hi my name is Yang whats yours?"

YN "YN."

Yang "Well YN maybe we should get to know each other a little more."

YN "Sorry I have a girlfriend."

??? "YN!"

I see behind me a woman with a scar on her face and long black hair with Saiyan armor on.

YN "Hey broly come here."

She runs over to me and gets in my lap.

YN "Yang this is Broly my girlfriend. Broly this is Yang someone that I just met."

Broly "Hi. Stay away from my boyfriend."

Announcer "First match is Trunks

Announcer "First match is Trunks

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