Chapter 6

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As soon as I land on the ground I notice Broly is standing there looking at me and she smiles.

Broly "Hey YN."

YN "Hello Broly."

I pulled her close and kissed her on the lips.

Broly "So, what did your mom say when my mom called her?"

YN "She asked me if you were at our home last night and slept in my bed and I didn't respond so she asked me what did I have to say for myself and I said Renegade for life and flew out the window."

Broly "Really?"

YN "Yeah."

Broly "You're such a goofball."

YN "Yeah well I'm also the best fighter here."

Broly "Yeah you kind of proved that last night."

I grab her hand and she intertwines our fingers and when we walk through the doors everyone's eyes are on us.

??? "That's YN and Broly. Why are they holding hands?"

??? "Because they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Idiot."

??? "I want a man like that."

Broly grasped onto my arm and hand as we are heading to the student councils office.

Broly "Now all you do is go in there and get your schedule then you walk out."

YN "I know what to do 'mom'."

I kissed her on the lips and released her then knocked on the door.

??? "Enter."

I open the door and a woman looks up at me.

??? "What do you need?"

YN "I'm here for my schedule. The names YN Briefs."

??? "Oh ok you're the new kid. Alright here is your schedule and wheres your uniform?"

YN "It kind of ripped when I was putting it on."

??? "*Sigh* Alright you don't need a uniform today but please try to wear one tomorrow."

YN "Gotcha."

I walked out and I spot a red head looking at me.

Rias "Welcome to Kuoh Academy YN Briefs."

YN "Quit trying to act all nice. You tried making me lose the tournament when I was facing Kefla."

Rias "What are you talking about? I don't even talk to Kefla."

YN "You don't?"

Rias "No but I did sense some strange energy coming off of her when you two were fighting."

YN "Strange. Very strange."

Rias "If anyone I would've helped out Issei because of him being in my peerage."

YN "Alright, we'll talk about this later, but I'm bringing Broly with me."

Rias "Alright I don't mind. Oh and YN."

YN "Yeah?"

Rias "Sorry about trying to make you a member of my peerage when you were asleep yesterday."

YN "It's fine. The past is the past."

The two of us went in our separate ways to our classes.


It was lunch time and I grabbed some food and ate a lot then I went outside and laid my head down to rest. However Broly had other plans. She got into my lap and when I opened my eyes she had her head on my chest and was looking up at the sky.

YN "Hows it going Broly?"

Broly "Better that you're here."

I kissed her on the lips and she then turns around to face me.

Broly "How's your first day of school here?"

YN "Not bad. I met with Rias earlier."

Broly "I thought you wouldn't talk to her because of what she did to Kefla so she'd be on par with you."

YN "the thing is. It wasn't her."

Broly "What? She's a devil how is it not her?"

YN "Devils can be powerful but not as powerful as a Saiyan, but the thing is the power Kefla received was a lot more than what anyone could ever use to it's full potential.

As we are talking I hear someone walking up behind us and it was none other than.

End of chapter 6.

Next one I'll work on is my Male Masked saiyan/Bardock reader x DBS

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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